My Grandma Bullies Me Through The Ouija Board

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Wait a fuckin minute. She grew a hand despite not needing one and she can't even grow an eye back? Well, if that isn't the most bullshit she's ever heard- oh wait, isn't this Bruno's hand from yesterday? (Y/N) pressed her own hand to her forehead, her fever had gone down, thankfully. It wasn't too bad from the start, so she's just glad it's over with. "Hungry..."

"Oh, You're up." Fugo looked up from inside his room, he really only left the door open to get something, usually it wouldn't be open at all. His eyes drifted down at the thing in her grasp. "Why do you have a human hand."

"I dunno. I think I stole Bruno's, I was gonna give it back and get some water. Think my fever went away, can you check? " She yawned, smoothing out her frizzy bed head as she walked over and let him make his judgement. He pressed a warm hand to her forehead and she cringed from the heat, shying away a tad. "Why are your hands so warm?"

"Is... Is that a bad thing?" He blinked, unsure how to respond. "Well, at least you don't have a fever anymore. The medicine worked."

"Medicine didn't do shit it tastes like spit up." She scowled, glancing at the books in his hands. "Why do you have basic arithmetic worksheets in your hands? Or, like, at all?"

"Oh, Nar-"

"NnOOO I don't!" He screeched, leaping into the room and snatching the papers from her sight, throwing Fugo a pleading look. It was true, he never went to school, never learned to do arithmetic, and by the time he went back, he didn't understand anything that was going on and dropped out again. The least he needed was the cute girl knowing he didn't know his multiplication tables. He asked Fugo to help teach him, if only just for the sake of knowing how to multiply "I-It's just, it's um!"

She raised her eyebrows, waiting for an explanation as Fugo pinched his temples in annoyance, waiting for what bullshit he would be able to sputter out. The longer it took, the less believable it would be, but she might just be weirded out enough to accept it and move on. He was wrong, however, shifting the hand in her arms to press one of Bruno's fingers to his lips. "Shhh... Hush, it's okay, small child. Chill."

"Whose hand is this-" He whimpered, pulling his head away from the disembodied limb to wipe off whatever nasty corpse germs were on whoever's hand that was.

"Mine now, toodles." She waved goodbye to them both, jumping over to the railing for a quick and smooth ride to the bottom, careful to not damage her extra hand. Abbacchio looked up at her. Well, she didn't look very sick, so he said nothing. "Hey Abbaccheeto, do you know where Bruno is?"

"First off, don't call me that ever again or I'll shatter your kneecaps. Second off, he's probably in his room or some shit." He sipped his wine straight from the bottle, watching the television screen with nothing else to do."



"..." (Y/N) glanced down at his tiddy door. "Abbacchiho-"

"You little shit." He chugged the rest of his wine so he had a weapon, chasing her down the halls. Now usually he didn't care about (Y/N). They both stayed out of each other's way. But there were always times... always times where she just pissed him off.

Well isn't it lucky for her that her stand is entirely used for escape, launching herself up the stairs with use of Soda City Funk, scared laughter bouncing off the walls of the house. Bruno resided in the top floor master's bedroom because he was their leader, so she had t-minus five seconds for him to open up so she didn't die by a drunkard's hands. "Bruno please open the door I have your hand-"

Abbacchio lifted the smaller girl with ease, opened the window, and threw her out. They both haven't really revealed their stands against each other, so while he waited for a loud thud and a scream of pain, she had floated back up and pulled him out too, having to use Soda city funk on him so his fat ass could actually be lifted, hanging him three stories above the ground in retaliation. "Aha! Oho! I have outsmarted you!"

"(Y/N)! Put Abbacchio down right this second!!" Bruno ran to the window, watching them both struggle midair.

"Do NOT put me down! Don't fucking drop me you rat!" He screeched, holding onto her despite them both actually just floating.

"Stop squirming so much then! You're only making yourself warmer!" Well, he had already started to float upwards, which only seemed to make him freak out more. With both of them screeching at each other, Bruno unzipped his arm, snatching her leg and hooking them both back inside angrily. Maybe with a little too much force seeing as they were weightless, both of them crashing into him with a scream. Her stand fizzled away, their weight crushing Bruno, who was at the bottom of the pile, (Y/N)'s face buried between both titty windows.

"What's all that noise-!!" Narancia freezed at the sight at the top of the stairs, eyes landing on the sight of (Y/N) being sandwiched between the two men. Their groans of pain didn't seem to help their case, nor the strangled cries of (Y/N), who couldn't even move under the weight of big boy Abbacchio, and was currently whining the exact phrase of 'why are you so big'. "U-uh! Uh???"

He rubbed his eyes, before quickly jumping down the steps three at a time, preventing Fugo from looking at the sight. Fugo was younger than him after all, no need to taint his mind with... whatever was happening up there. "Narancia, what happened?"

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Back to your room! Haha!" He shooed him down the hall, herding the both of them into Fugo's room to work on subtracting large numbers.

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