Frustrated Bakugo lifted his hand to his mouth and felt a sludge like substance covering the lower part of his face.

What the fuck?

Bakugo looked down at the rest of his body and saw it was all covered by the same sludge like substance. The only things not covered were anything above his nose, and his fingertips.

Suddenly a cold chill ran down his spine followed by a bright white light that forced him to close his eyes.

The light disappeared allowing Bakugo to slowly open his eyes. He looked to his right to find a line of people next to him. Not a single one of them payed him any attention. They all had their gazes locked in front of them. Slowly Bakugo turned his head to see what they were interested in and felt his heart drop. Standing in front of him were two men, there faces were blurred but the altercation was clear. One man stood above the other while holding his face. A dark red light emitted from the mans palm as his prey tried to pry away from his grasp.

Suddenly another flash of light exploded from in front of him forcing Bakugo to shut his eyes. When he opened them again he was met with a new sight. The man who was being attacked stood in front of Bakugo. The man had a small smile as lifted his hand out in front of Bakugo. He slowly opened his palm to reveal a glowing light which Bakugo didn't hesitate to grab. As soon as his hand met the mans a huge surge of power flowed through Bakugo. His eyes widened as the man in front of him started to fade away.

"So you're the ninth." The man echoed as he disappeared.

Bakugo shot upwards and clutched onto his shirt again as he sat there panting trying to figure out what happened.

Everything just felt off.

His eyes trailed from the bed onto his arm where he found what was causing the weird feeling. His hand was glowing, like the first time he ever used full cowling.

"Uhm Bakubro?" A voice spoke up, ripping Bakugo away from his trance.

His eyes shot towards the voice, ready to fight but a wave of calmness washed over him when he was met by his best friend.

"Bakubro what happened?" Kirishima asked once again.

"" Bakugo asked inbetween breaths.

The red head pointed to the other side of the room. Bakugo followed his hand and examined the window Kirishima was pointing at. There where cracks sprouting across the entire panel, it looked like the slightest touch would cause the entire thing to fall apart.

"You were out cold and it just happened all so fast. Your heart rate spiked followed by your hand starting to glow. And before I knew it the window cracked and you were awake."

Bakugo sat for a second regaining his composure before meeting his friends worried gaze.

"I'll explain everything after all this shit is done Shitty Hair. I promise."

Kirishima hesitantly nodded and stood up from his chair.

"I'll go get Recovery Girl."

The red head left the room, leaving Bakugo all alone. The blond clenched his fist a couple of times until he heard the door slide open.

"3 broken ribs, multiple lacerations, left shoulder completely shattered, sprained wrist, and a concussion. You've really outdone yourself this time Katsuki." Recovery Girl said slightly annoyed.

"It's not like I want to be sitting here with all these damn injury's." Bakugo responded.

"You don't have any injury's at the moment. Thanks to my healing and you being out cold, you healed quicker then usual. But if you run your mouth in here I'll make sure you do" the teacher threatened.

Bakugo felt a shiver creep down his spine at the teachers remark.

"Yes ma'am." Bakugo whispered.

"Good. Now would you like me to let your friends in or no?" Recover Girl asked.

"Just Kirishima please."

The teacher nodded and stepped out of the room. The blond sat in silence until he heard the door slide open again.

"How you doing bro?"

"Pretty shit, I got my ass handed to me in front of everyone and on top of that All Mights going to kill me." Bakugo grumbled.

The Red head sighed and plopped down next to the blonds hospital bed.

"Don't worry about that stuff Bakubro because we've got bigger problems to deal with." The red head responded as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Spit it out shitty hair." The blond blurted out.

Kirishima let out a deep exhale as he looked up at the blond.

"You've been out for three days."

Holy shit you guys. We've passed over 107 thousand views on the story and I don't have anyone to thank but you guys! Without anyone of you reading this I wouldn't be motivated to continue it, so thank you!

Also sorry for the late update. When I first wrote the chapter it was complete different then the one above and I wasn't happy with it. So I scrapped the entire thing and re wrote it to get you guys the best chapter possible. I hope you like it and sorry if it's repetitive but thanks again for all the support!

Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Academia x One Punch Man Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now