Chapter 5

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The Doctor stood outside as the flashing of green light came and passed. He turned and walked back into the Tardis, turning the lever to leave Godric's Hollow before the crowd came to celebrate the passing of Voldemort. A strange telephone box is sure to invite curious stares. As the Tardis flew away, he picked up the piece of paper lying on the console, small handwriting covering three pages of paper and a cold chill went through him.

"Oh no," he said to himself, palming his forehead, "We've made a mistake."

He looked around the Tardis, remembering that he was alone. He looked back at the paper - a letter from Albus Dumbledore written before he died, addressed to the Doctor, an old friend of his.

"I forgot about the Horcrux," he sighed and sat on the ground, "Oh Dumbledore, how could I have done that? She died in vain. The poor girl will have to go through all the war again because he can still be revived. Oh, how can I be so stupid!"

He kicked the railing in frustration as he turned to the console and calmed himself down enough as the Tardis landed. Stepping outside the door, he was greeted by Hermione, sad, lonely Hermione who just lost her lover and boyfriend. The same Hermione he took with him last night. Her eyes filled with curiosity and fear as she pointed her wand at him.

"Hello there! Why are you pointing that thing at me?" he had to take her back and amend his mistake or the war will be a paradox that cannot be stopped.

"Who are you?" she asked him in shaky voice.

"I'm the doctor!" he said with a confident nod. We will go back to the night that Voldemort killed Harry and Ron - after the Horcruxes has been destroyed - and this time she will kill him when he is at his weakest, "And you must be Ms. Granger."

She will cease to exist again, but her past self will always be alive.

"The famous Ms. Granger who used to travel with Mr. Potter!"

This is the least he could do and this time, he will not fail.

Potterwho:- Hermione Granger and the man with the blue boxWhere stories live. Discover now