Chapter 4

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"Goodbye mom and dad," eleven year old Hermione said to her parents who seemed to be awfully nervous sending her off, "I'll write to you and please don't worry about me."

She hugged them and headed off to the Hogwarts Express. She passed by two boys, one a red head with freckles on his nose and another with a mess of black hair, playfully wrestling each other.

"Ron and Harry, would you both grow up and get into your carriages?" a red-headed woman seemed to be scolding them, "Harry, your parents entrusted me to send you off because they're busy with work and honestly you're not making it easy for me."

"Sorry, Mrs. Weasley," the boy named Harry said, looking up at the older woman and smiling, "We'll be off then."

Hermione shook her head as she headed to the carriages, sitting beside a chubby boy called Neville who started to look anxiously around for his toad. Frustrated that he kept whining, Hermione stood up and offered to look for his toad. She opened door after door but never found the toad. Opening the door to Ron and Harry's compartment, she stopped to watch as Ron held his wand out to a toad.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy called Neville's looking for it - is that his toad?" she asked him as he looked at her weirdly, unforgiving for her intrusion.

"No, this toad's mine," he said, "And I'm planning to turn him into a rat."

"Are you sure you can do that?" she answered haughtily, "Let's see it then."

He demonstrated a spell that merely made the toad croak as Harry laughed and tried another spell with it. Hermione took out her wand and made the toad grow whiskers when their compartment opened all of a sudden.

"Trevor!" Neville cried out, grabbing the toad from Ron and casting Hermione a betrayed look. Hermione looked at him apologetically and glared at Harry and Ron.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves," she said, leaving them and joining Neville who pretended to ignore her. She looked out the window as the train sped pass the country side and hoped her school year will get better.

Potterwho:- Hermione Granger and the man with the blue boxWhere stories live. Discover now