Chapter 3

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Getting up from the Tardis floor one more time, Hermione stood vigil as the Doctor opened the door of the Tardis. This is it, the moment in history which would soon disappear into nothing.

The Doctor clutched her shoulder and nodded his head before she turned and walked into the Potter's house. She could hear the sound of laughter as James Potter carried Harry around on his shoulder before passing it to Lily, who carried the baby up the stairs to his room.

Hermione casually opened the front door and walked into the living room, bathed in golden glow from the lanterns on the walls. The last time she was here with Harry on a Christmas night, it was old and abandoned, a stark contrast from the warmth emanating off the walls now.

James stopped in his track as he saw her, but before he could say or do anything, the door opened behind her. She turned to face Voldemort, whose eyes turned into slits, glaring at her.

She mustered all the anger and hurt from deep within her as she pointed her wand at him and said, "Avada Kedavra."

A bright green light sprouted from the tip of her wand and hit him square in his face as he fell to the floor, dead. James gasped from behind her, but she couldn't turn to look at him. She watched as her hand started to glow and turned transparent as she disappeared from the timeline. The last thing she saw was the look of pure terror in the eyes of James Potter.

Potterwho:- Hermione Granger and the man with the blue boxWhere stories live. Discover now