Start from the beginning

beam suddenly burst into laughter " now go and take a bath...go" shuuuuu'ing his hands over  the air.... beam got off the bed and turned around " so that we can eat our simple meal together.... got it mr.hazer "

forth was practically beaming with happiness " meals together....with my beam....wow....." forths eyes were already sparkling....

the wow sounded like a blast of happiness ,  as if a shampine bottle is poped open after a prominent amount of shaking .....it splashed the entire room with happy vibes....even beam could feel it .....

but suddenly there was a bit of silence .instantly beam looks at him

forth " im sorry beam...i'm...."

beam cuts in " i want to....i wish to...no one is forcing me and we are neither  indebted to each other....its just i want to...." he turned his half of the upper body backwards still with his spatula over his one hand and a intense look over his face " can i not....take care of you....dont you want me to...or...you dont....."


there was sudden outburst " nooooooo...... i would love to.... i want you .....hum hummmm" clearing his throte " i mean.... i would love to....if you are okay with it.... i would love to even if it is for an eternity....." 

and flashing his trademark beams fav enchanting happy face sunshine smile.....

and flashing his trademark beams fav enchanting happy face sunshine smile

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thub thub

thub thub

thub thub.....

beams heart beat was raising instantly...beam slightly clenched heart with his other hand and pressed it hard ( shiaaaaaa his smile will be my death for sure.... ...) " shiaaaaa "  in a very low voice not audible to anyone...especially to the one sitting before him obediently " if i stay here anymore.... i cant guarantee any safety to my patient there its better if i leave now...."

forth " beam did you say something...... "  peeking right to left and from left to right...

beam witha sudden change in his facial.... 

there was a crooked smile over his face mixed with slight exitement " hum hum hummmm mr.hazer does anyone apart from me ...know their head hazer is a cute puppy before their loved ones.... and does anyone know their devilish  head hazer looks so cute when he sleep....just like a baby....and drinks white milk....just like babiessssss....." with a teasing facial... " mr.hazer......secrects shoudnt be always secrets....dont you think so.... i think such cuties must be public than being private....." with a smirk over his  beam continued to annoy his cute patient " mr.hazer.....will you hate  if i speak out loud your ......."

forth was already jumbled that beam could even tease him....and it was his one more face, a new face...an unknow face of his beam....he was enjoying it.... 

🤤hungry baby👨🏻🍳                          (4TH.BM FF} - OmegaVersus/M.PregWhere stories live. Discover now