"Charlotte you're in pain?"

"It's fine, it's nothing," Charlie's voice was too loud as she cringed and covered her ears. She fell onto her side with a thump and curled into herself, trying and failing to block out the overwhelming noise of everything. She began to cry, her sobs urging Hina and Edgeshot closer. "It's too loud. It hurts...." she whimpered between sobs.

Her episode came to an end after a few minutes and she slowly recollected herself.

Edgeshot, being far less lenient than before, gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder before going back to where he had been sitting before. "Practice the same thing on Miss Yamashoda next and then we will try to make me hallucinate something specific."

Charlie ate her dinner blankly and wasn't all there when she packed her bags quickly and said goodbye to all the new people she had met. Edgeshot and Hina made sure she had all their contact information and told her to contact them if she ever needed something with pity written on their brows. She then numbly took the train to the nearest stop to the hospital and ducked into a convenience store to pick up some candy.

Todoroki had texted her his room number earlier that day so she sluggishly asked for directions and made her way to visit her friend.

The boys occupying the room quieted at the knock at their door, each glancing at it before Midoriya calling permission for it to be opened.

"I brought snacks," Charlie held up the plastic bag in her hand. She promptly dumped the packages of candy onto Midoriya's bed and pulled up a chair to Todoroki. Charlie rubbed at her eyes, puffy from crying, before putting her head in her arms on his bed. "Shouto," she dragged out each syllable of his name with a sigh, "I had like eleven panic attacks today and now I'm exhausted." 

She felt a gentle tug on her scalp and turned her head to glance up and find Todoroki mindlessly twirling a strand of her hair in his fingers. 

"Quirk training?"


Midoriya approached Charlie, offering her a gummy worm for comfort. "Sounds brutal. Did you learn anything new?"

"Hell yeah. Now I know how to put people through a whole new world of pain." Charlie chuckled, her tone boarding on sarcastic but leaving the other teens unsure before she clarified: "Literally. Now I know how to induce physical hallucinations."

Charlie went on to explain everything else she had learned about her quirk in the compact two hour training/torture session she had just endured. She had figured out controlled fear and visual hallucinations and was just getting the hang of physical hallucinations by cutting the strings of the web images she imagined. She couldn't figure out a way to do auditory hallucinations, though; she would probably have to figure out a new metaphor for that. 

The three boys then updated her on what had happened and made sure she understood what the cover up story would be so Charlie wouldn't slip up and reveal their illegal activity. Her visit lasted roughly an hour and, after the updates on each others weeks, consisted mostly of her dozing off with her face in Todoroki's blankets and him seemingly unaware that he was playing with her hair. Eventually she forced herself to stand up and pick up her bag.

"Will you guys be back at school on Monday?"

"Yes! Todoroki and Midoriya shall be discharged tomorrow morning and I shall be discharged on Sunday!" Iida responded, perhaps a bit too loud for Charlie's tired mind. 

She nodded and threw a strained smile over her shoulder as she pulled open the door, waving goodbye and leaving with a promise to call.

Charlie groggily took the subway home, looking forward to simply collapsing into bed and maybe sleeping for the next century. The walk down the hallway to her apartment seemed longer than it ever had and she couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh when she stuck her key into the lock and turned.

The first thing that hit her when she walked in was the stench of alcohol and vomit. 

Charlie wandered down the hall cautiously. The house was deadly silent and the only light on was from the kitchen. She peaked in cautiously.



Its come to my attention that I haven't stayed true to the canon Todoroki in the slightest.

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

He's literally so dense, I made him too normal in this fic

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

He's literally so dense, I made him too normal in this fic.

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