Bionic Birthday Fail

Start from the beginning

"Guess what?! I just found out that I won an award for my undercover reporting on expired produce: 'Something In The Crisper Can Kill You.'" Tasha told us. Davenport congratulated her, but then she had bad news.

"Oh, thank you. But the awards banquet is the same night as Leo and Destiny's birthday. I'm sorry, guys. I'm gonna miss it. If I don't show up, I'm afraid that they're gonna give my award to that overdramatic screen hog Linda Montieres." Tasha told us sadly.

"It's okay, mom. Go have fun. You deserve it." Leo told Tasha. Leo went over to the trio while I congratulated Tasha.

"Congrats Tasha! I'm glad you're getting an award!" I say.

"Thanks, Destiny! Are you sure you and Leo are not mad?" She asked while bringing me to Leo and walking towards him. "We've never been apart on your birthdays!"

"Oh, please! They'll have plenty of birthdays, but who knows if you'll ever win anything again!" Adam told her while putting his hands on our shoulders.

"Go get your award, you deserve it!" I say. Leo fakes a cough and says 'chocolate frosting' afterwards.

"I promise we will celebrate the following night!" Tasha promised.

"Hey, why haven't we had a birthday party?" Bree asked pointing at herself and her brothers.

"Donald! You never celebrated they're birthdays!?" Tasha asked Davenport.

"Of course I celebrated their birthdays. Remember when we- When we went to the- Yeah I never celebrated their birthdays." Donald admitted after trying to lie about the topic.

"Did you also eat all the cookies before Santa came down the chimney?"

"What's Santa?" Bree asked innocently. Tasha and Davenport left and we turned to the trio.

"This is going to be the best birthday ever! The size of the party is equal to the size of the excuse! I'm gonna go work on my surprise face!" Leo told them.

"Same here! But this time we have to actually gasp. Remember last time, it was a fail!" I told him while smiling. We both pretended to be surprised and we left the lab. This is going to be super fun! Especially with Adam, Bree, and Chase in our lives.


Leo and I worked on some surprised faces and went downstairs for a break to see Davenport in a tux.

"Wow! A tuxedo! You are really committing to this thing!" Leo smiled. I also smiled too and put my elbow on his shoulder.

"Look, guys, I'm really sorry we're missing your birthday, but wait till you see the gift I got you two. It's one gift, but you guys are going share it. It is 'whoa-amazing-I-can't-believe-he's-my-stepdad-tastic!'" Davenport made up.

"Is it a robot snake?" Leo guessed.


"Is it a remote-controlled tank that fires real lasers!?" I guess. Davenport looks weirdly at me and shakes his head.

"Is it a real tank that fires fake lasers?" Leo replaced. Davenport tilts his head, as if thinking, and shakes his head.

"Then I hope you kept the receipt." I say. Leo nods and we both leave and wait for Tasha or Davenport to say we could come out.

"Guys, we're leaving!" We hear Tasha call out.

"Okay, here we come!" Leo replies. We both jump out expecting people but we were disappointed to see nothing.

"We're on our way out." She told us.

"Ohhhh! Well, we'll just walk you to the door then!" We both walk towards the door and we stopped near it.

The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats FF: Season 1~) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now