Chapter 30 : "Declan that traitor!"

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"I can't believe this." I crossed my arms and started pouting.

"What do you expect? He's Bennett The Wallet! If he wants something done then it'll get done." Jordan turned around from the front seat to give me an exaggerated look. He was right.. and that's exactly why I'm pouting.

Bennett stayed true to what he said and paid his way out of the hospital. Now I'm extremely flattered he wanted to cuddle me so badly, but his health is more important than some tangled sheets... Wait! That's not what I meant!

I sighed rubbing my forehead, "Yeah true, but he should have stayed and got better first." I glanced up and caught icy blue eyes staring back at me through the rear-view mirror.

"As much as I love hearing you guys talk about me like I'm not here, I think getting to sleep beside you Naomi-" His eyes met mine in the mirror again. "Is greater than my health." He held my gaze before he focused back on the road. "Well it is right now anyways."

"Hey!" I leaned forward and smacked his shoulder. "What's that supposed to mean?"

His chuckle filled the car as he spoke, "It means that if I was ran over, I think I would take the hospital over cuddling you."

"I'm slightly offended but I also want to pat you on the back for your choices."

"Thank you." I rolled my eyes, smiling. It got quiet but then I got an idea! "Hey guys I just remembered something!" I didn't wait for them to say anything before I continued. "When the air is thoroughly chilled and then rapidly heated it causes an explosion! Can we try it?" I looked at them expectantly while holding onto the back of Bennett's seat.


"Not happening!" I looked at Declan and frowned. "You know I expected Bennett's answer but I expected more from you." I shook my head disappointingly. He just rolled his eyes before pulling his hoodie up and over his head while crossing his arms.

"Just drop me off at my college."

Jordan looked back at me with his head tilted slightly. "Where did you learn that?"

I stared at him blankly before answering him, "Out of all the subjects I thought you'd at least pay attention to science especially when it has to do with explosions!"

"Oh I remember that! I went home and tested it out but it didn't work so I chalked it up to them teaching us another lie." Bennett turned his head and blinked at Jordan when he stopped at a red light, Declan pulled his hoodie back and stared at him strangely, and I.. didn't even bat an eye before commenting on that.

"Jordan, what they teach us isn't a lie- yes they waste our time with things that don't matter rather than teaching us what really matters!" I took a deep breath trying to calm myself.

Jordan scoffed turning back around in his seat, "Yes it is, in history our teacher said that Pocahontas didn't marry John Smith when obviously she did!"

"One, did you even watch the second movie and two, she didn't marry John Smith. She married John Rolfe and traveled to London with him to show what a 'civilized savage' looked like before she died at 22 and right before her husband was to sail back to Virginia. Pocahontas merely just saved John Smith's life before her tribe could kill him, also she was a teenager when that happened and he was an adult, though that wouldn't have mattered back then." I explained from memory.

"Well.. well." He huffed crossing his arms. "Great, the next thing you're going to tell me is that Snow White didn't wake up by true love's kiss." He grumbled.

I sighed sadly, "In the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs- which came from the Grimms Fairy Tales, the evil queen disguised herself as a farmer's wife and gave her the apple but Snow White was hesitant so the evil queen cut it in half and bit the non poisonous white side and gave her the red poisonous side." I rambled on. "Snow White ate it eagerly and fell into a coma like dead state, the evil queen thinking she was dead left feeling satisfied. The dwarfs put her in a glass casket thinking she was dead as well, then a prince stumbled upon it and asked the dwarfs what happened? They told him and he ordered his men to take her to her rightful resting place and on the way one of the men carrying her tripped and lost balance, in which he dislodged a piece of the poison apple in her throat, waking her. But then the prince proposes and she says yes though she doesn't even know him or he her!" I huffed breathing heavy.

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