Stormy Weather...... (ii)

Start from the beginning

(Manon flashes her baby doll eyes.)

Marinette: Aw...

(Manon grabs Marinette by her hand, giggling. Stormy Weather is flying above, seeing banners of Mireille and a balloon of Mireille.)

Stormy Weather: Ughhh!

Civilian: Here's another one!

Vincent: (photographing Adrien, who appears to be tired) No, no, no! The boy has eaten too much spaghetti! Ugh, we need more energy! More romance! We need...a girl! (runs to Alya) You! I need an extra!

Alya: Who, me?

Vincent: Sì! To pose with Mr. Adrien!

Alya: Uh... Hah! You don't want me, I... uhh... I think I'm having an allergic reaction to this apple. (talks as if her tongue is swollen) I know jutht(just) the perthon(person) you need! Hold that thought! (She runs to Marinette.)

Alya: They need an extra to pose with Adrien!

Marinette: What? Seriously?

Manon: Is that boy your boyfriend?

Marinette: What?! No, I mean, yes? No!

Alya: Go on! What are you waiting for?!

Marinette: But, what about Manon?

(Alya is wagging finger towards Marinette and hand gesturing her move aside)

Alya: You take care of Prince Charming, and I'll take care of Miss Unicorn here. You don't know how to control her anyway.

Manon: No way! Marinette's my babysitter!

Alya: Trust me. Unicorns unite! Let's go to Reespa and find us some sad little village kids and grant those wishes! Yee-haw!

Manon: Yee-haw!

Marinette: Huh? (Sees Stormy Weather)

(Stormy Weather fires an icy wind at the civilians. The icy wind surrounds the merry-go-round and freezes it.)

Civilian: Run!

Marinette: (Runs to a bench) Time to transform!

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Plagg, claws out! (Marinette transforms into Lady Noir)

Civilians: Oh no! Ahh!

Adrien: Uh? (He runs to a tree and opens his bag, Tikki flies out.)

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Tikki, spots on! (Adrien transforms into Misterbug)

Lady Noir: Why did I leave Manon? I should have never done that! No. Alya's right. She's in good hands. I must trust her. (To Alya and Manon) I'll get you out of there! Let's wire-cut this icy cake!

(Lady Noir uses her staff, but its cord just slips off of the ice.)

Lady Noir: Or not? On to plan B! (To Alya and Manon) Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay!

Manon: Where is Marinette?

Misterbug: She hasn't forgotten about you, Manon.

Manon: How did you know my name?

Misterbug: Ah! Uhh... Marinette told me! She's coming right back, okay? (Jumps away)

Scene: City. Stormy Weather leaves the park.

Lady Noir: Hey Ice Queen, what's with all the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature?

Stormy Weather: My name is not Ice Queen! It's Stormy Weather!

Lady Noir: Listen. I'm feline more generous than usual today. So cool down and we'll call it quits, 'kay?

(Stormy Weather fires wind at Lady Noir.)

Lady Noir: Waaaaaahhh! (She flies a long way and lands in a nearby street.)

(Misterbug appears and lifts him.)

Misterbug: I thought cats always landed on their feet.

Lady Noir: Why thanks, my Misterbug, but I had it covered.

Misterbug: No time for your childish charms, Lady Noir. But you're welcome.

Stormy Weather: We should be expecting lightning storms like right NOW! (She uses her parasol to darken the sky with storm clouds and create lightning and Misterbug and Lady Noir scream and groan.)

(Misterbug lands on top of Lady Noir and he kissedher, they gasp then Lady Noir blinks twice. Misterbug blinks twice and pullshimself up and grins. Lady Noir turns his head toward Stormy Weather.)

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