Chapter 36

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For everyone saying Lucy and Sawyer are like siblings; no ❤️


"Lucy! Lucy!"

Lucy spun to see Harry hurdling full speed towards her.

Lucy didn't have time to answer, as he passed, Harry reached out and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her along.

"Sorry, Sawyer," Harry called over his shoulder.

"I'll find you later!" Lucy yelled, "Harry! What are you doing, where are we going?"

"Umbridge's office," Harry breathed.

"What!?" Lucy shrieked, "Harry we can't, she'll catch us."

"Fred and George are causing a diversion," Harry explained, tossing a cloak over their heads, "I can't explain it all now, we're going to talk to Sirius."

Lucy was stunned, she let Harry drag her through the corridor.

"Here we are," Harry came to a halting stop in front of a door, he pulled a knife out of his pocket and stuck it into the keyhole.

"Harry!" Lucy gasped, "what—"

"Not now, Lu, we're kind of on a time crunch."

"Right," Lucy nodded, "ok."

The door clicked and Harry opened it quietly, ushering Lucy inside and closing it gently behind them.

"Ready to get to the bottom of this?" Harry asked Lucy, a lopsided grin on his face.

"Bring it," Lucy smirked.

Lucy knelt in front of the fireplace and Harry grabbed a handful of floo powder.

"Ever done this before?" Harry asked nervously.

"Nope," Lucy smiled.

"Ok," Harry breathed, "it's now or never."

They stuck their heads into the grate and Harry dropped the floo power, sending up emerald flames.

"Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place!" Harry said loudly and clearly.

It was such an odd sensation, one very different than the one you got traveling by floo.

Lucy's head was spinning, fire places speeding past at a breakneck speed. As soon as it came, the spinning stopped, leaving the redhead feeling quite sick.

"Did it work?" Lucy groaned.

"We're here," Harry whispered, "hopefully somebody is around."

"Sirius Black!" Lucy hollered.

There was a thump as a startled figure fell to the ground.

"Harry!" The man approached the fireplace, "what're you—who—Lily?"

"Lucy," she corrected.

"Lucy?!" The man's eyes widened, "Harry?! Oh no..."

"You know!" Harry gasped, "Remus! You have to tell us what is going on, go get Sirius!"

"Ok, ok," Remus said frazzled, "I'll get him, hold on."

"Hurry!" Lucy called after him, "our necks are kind of on the line here!"

Lupin returned with Sirius at his heels a moment later. They seemed to be in the middle of a very intense whisper-argument.

"Hey, down here!" Lucy said sarcastically, "we really don't have all day and my knees are really starting to burn."

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