Mutual Friends

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"Wow, I haven't heard from you since.... since February." I grin at the memory of our Valentine's Day date that was set up by my former friend. We had an amazing time but the circumstances weren't right at the time, being that his career took over most his life. We've tried keeping a relationship but anytime we'd call one another it was a bad time so eventually we just stopped trying.

"I know! Are you- are you back?" I ask and silently pray he says yes.

"As a matter of fact I just arrived at my hotel an hour ago," he says and I can also hear his smirk. "Do you want to catch up?" he asks.

"Yes! Come to my place since you haven't seen it yet!" I exclaim but immediately calm myself down to seem relaxed.

"Sounds perfect, Tai. Text me your address and I'll be there in an hour. What should I bring?"


"You got it babe. See ya soon." Babe? This is going to be interesting.

I begin preparing my living room by setting up tons of pillows and blankets on the large sectional. Then, I pop a bowl of popcorn, put out a bag of chips, and a few drinks. Next, I head to the bathroom to shave- just incase. I am a virgin but not inexperienced.

Instead of throwing myself at him by putting on a skimpy outfit, I slip on skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt that shows off my midriff but isn't a crop top. I clip parts of my hair up and curl it to loose waves. Finally, I finish with a bit more mascara and eyeliner.

Just as I lie on the couch to wait for Dylan, I hear my phone ring and pick up without checking whom it is.

"Hi Tai," Dylan's deep voice coos.

"Hey," I mumble into the phone. I begin to think he's calling to cancel and become a bit sad.

"Uh, would you mind if my friend tagged along?" he mutters and my thoughts of unhappiness turn to confusion. "He's an old friend and really fun-I'm sure you'd like him."

A frown takes over my face. I assumed when he called me babe that tonight is a date. I sit in silence while Dylan awaits an answer. "Sure!" I chime to cover up being upset. I don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard to get with him although a friend will definitely be a cock-block. "But now you have to get the desserts too!" I demand to seem like my cheerful self.

"You got it! See you soon," Dylan promises before hanging up.

I quickly fix the other couch for his friend and bring out more snacks. As I lie on the couch waiting for the two to arrive I wonder who his friend could be and hope he's as attractive and nice as Dylan.

Finally thirty minutes later the chime of the doorbell rings through my tiny home and I bounce up to answer. When I open the door I only spot Dylan waiting but gesture him inside. "What happened to your friend?" I ask as I lead him to my fully equipped living room.

"He's on the phone downstairs with his ex. They have a fucked up relationship," He explains while pulling me into a tight hug.

I nod my head and then look up at him. While gawking at his perfect face I almost become jealous of his cheekbones and jaw line. Plus his eyebrows are forever arched. When I eventually snap out of my haze, I realize we've been quiet for a while. "What's his name?" I ask while gazing into his dark eyes and running my fingers over his clothed chest.

He kisses the top of my head and embraces me again, "Evan."

I gulp loudly and pray it's not Evan Peters but quickly get over it. Evan did screw me over so I have nothing to worry about. Just as I'm about to lead Dylan to have a seat, I turn around to shut the door but spot Evan staring at us from the hall.

We don't take our eyes off one another for minutes until Dylan speaks. "What's going on?"

Evan shakes his head and clears his throat. "Uh, we work together.

"Come in," I murmur while holding the door wide open.

"You're filming again Evan? Why didn't you tell me? That's awesome, bro!" Dylan squeals, almost like a girl would, which earns a hushed chuckle from me. "So, what roles do you two have?" he inquires, which only makes Evan and I more uncomfortable.

The room is silent for a few more moments until I decide to speak up. "We're actually love interests. He plays a psychotic, rapist, asshole," I reply and emphasize the word asshole while secretly glaring at Evan.

"Yeah and she plays a suicidal, whiny, teenager," Evan retorts and then stares at the lit up screen of his phone.

"Oh...well, sweet. No need for the awkward introduction," Dylan jokes. "Let's eat!" he insists as he tosses the pizza box and brownie tray on the coffee table.

As the two men stuff their face with food I observe them separately. Dylan has the semi high-maintenance look with his freshly cut hair, obviously muscular body, designer clothes. Plus, he's very sociable and enjoys going to expensive places, from what I know.

Meanwhile, Evan is nearly the complete opposite with his adorably shaggy hair, average clothes, and toned-but-not-trying body. Also, from the two 'dates' Evan and I went on they were each inexpensive, but still fun.

In my conclusion, they're both perfect in their own ways but alas Evan is taken and Dylan is always busy.

"Taissa?!" The two yell in unison.

I look up from my half eaten pizza and blink rapidly. "Huh? Oh sorry, I was just spacing out," I pipe, but they both laugh at me, so I grab a handful of popcorn and chuck half at each of them.

Of course, Evan and Dylan throw some back at me. "Na, Tai, I think you're just into that pizza," he says with a wink.

I laugh sarcastically and then roll my eyes. "You caught me. Now let's watch a movie!" I demand as I reach for the Playstation remote to search through Netflix. Dylan pulls me closer to him and drapes the blanket over us as I nuzzle my head into his arms. Every so often, we almost agree of a film but one of us changes our minds.

I also periodically peek at Evan who is mindlessly staring at me, which doesn't make sense because he has Emma, who I'm surprised didn't come.

After we decide on Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Evan curls up in his corner and doesn't look up from his phone for at least twenty minutes. I'm not sure why I constantly look to Evan or even care about what he's doing, but I just can't shake him from my head.

Dylan snakes his hand from my arm to my abdomen, which makes me nervous, but he doesn't stop. Instead he continues to swivels his fingers up until he graces of my clothes chest. I must admit the excitement that's building up feels great but since Evan is a few feet away it doesn't seem right. So just as he slips his cold hand under my bra I cough and glance up at him with a disapproving look. Dylan then quickly removes himself and places his arm around my shoulders.

Little less than half way through the movie Evan clears his throat and stands up. "I'm gonna go guys," he announces and then heads to the door before either of us can stop him.

"Bye," I answer but he's too far to hear.

Just as we hear the door slam shut Dylan lifts my chin to face him and plants a kiss on my soft lips. "I've been waiting for this all night."

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