Mutual Friends

694 30 13

Taissa's P.O.V.

I crack my eyes open due to the sunlight warming my face and disturbing the darkness in my mind. I slowly sit up and blink a few times to make my contacts moisturized since I fell asleep wearing them last night. Immediately, I remember that Evan stayed the night, which makes me smile. The mere thought of him gives my butterflies and when he accidentally brushed against my butt last night I nearly pounced on him. I look over to where I expect him to be but find an imprint of his warm body. I figure he may be making us a breakfast since I'm sure he's hungry so I trot to the kitchen but only meet a clean space.

I search the rest of my tiny apartment and dial his number but when I find a small note I hang up and brace myself.


I am so sorry to leave like this but my brother needs me. He is having major female issues and the only way to solve it is by me dragging my ass to his place at 1:30am. I owe you big time! Meet me at the lake at 5:30pm.


I hold the paper to my chest and feel my lips form into a wide grin again. Even though I am disappointed, I understand that he has priorities and am happy that he wanted to stay. At least he took the time to write this letter out.

I analyze the note five times before forcing myself to tuck it away and head to my shower.

Once I escape from the steaming oasis, I stare at my closet in my robe for thirty minutes trying to find the perfect outfit and finally decide on leggings, an oversized sweater, and brown combat boots.

When 4:30pm rolls around I make my way to the park since I've been ready for hours. I decide to walk to the lake since it's a beautiful day and only a forty-five minute stroll.

Upon arriving at 5:20 I spot Evan sitting on a blanket on the ground with a basket beside him and shout his name but he doesn't hear me so I attempt to sneak up on him. When I'm extremely close I notice someone is sitting on his lap bouncing and sucking on his face. I instantly know it's Emma Roberts by here over-processed blonde locks and over-proved designer purse lying next to them.

I back away as tears push through my ducts, begging to escape. According to Evan this is supposed to be a date but I don't recall hooking up with others as a normal part. I begin to understand what he's doing. Evan is trying to have both of us. Well, that certainly won't happen to me. Besides Emma is much more good-looking than me and more talented. Also, she's closer to Evans age.

As I watch them kiss and then pull apart I feel pangs of jealously run through my veins and can no longer watch, so I head home. Just as I'm almost out of sight Evan spots me and yells, "Taissa!" Thankfully I have headphones on, although no music playing through them.

As I walk home with Besitos by Pierce The Veil blaring in my ear and tears pouring from my eyes I wonder why I'm even upset. Sure, he led me on but really I shouldn't be surprised. He's semi-famous, good-looking, and in a relationship. What should I expect from a guy in his twenties.

As I stroll past a restaurant I'm flooded with memories of a date I went out mere months ago. A smile even plasters across my face at the thought of how wonderful the evening went, but him and I had conflicting schedules and he had to take off to New York for a film.

Suddenly I remember he said he would be returning in May. Without thinking much further I grab my cellphone and search for his contact, praying I didn't delete it, with shaky fingers. I finally glide over it and wipe my tears before pressing the handset icon.

On the third ring I hear a muffled groan and then his groggy voice speaks. "Taissa?" he questions, as if it's so surprising.

"Dylan," I say with a smile.

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