Chapter 10: Defiance

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Frustrated, (Falric) could only let out an exasperated breath as he had no choice but to watch and wait again.

With the Helestans, Lize watched the battle. She respected the will of the Felgardians to fight despite their numerous disadvantages, and their experience was something to behold. However, it was exactly why Lize is upset. The Felgardians are so unwilling to break that the battle dragged on longer than she or anyone wanted. More and more lives were lost as a result.

Sir Giazza who had been watching the battle unfold himself walked to Lize with his Helestan guards with a proposal to hopefully end this bloodshed.

"Princess Lize, your Majesty. This battle has lasted for far too long than we needed. This must end." Sir Giazza started as Lize listened to him. "Allow me to go to the front and speak to my people." He said with a firm and confident voice. Lize was skeptical.

"Are you sure about this, Sir Giazza? Will that not endanger you?" Lize questioned with concern in her voice.

"I am. My people know me and I am certain that they will be willing to speak and negotiate." Sir Giazza said. "They still don't know the truth and think that you are after their lives. If they see me, they will stand down." He added. Lize seriously considered the thought for a moment, but she shook her head.

"No, Sir Giazza. I forbid it." Lize told him with a respectful voice as much as she can knowing that the person speaking to her is someone of high regard. "I cannot risk your life. You are too valuable for our kingdoms to lose." She said. Sir Giazza had no choice. He bowed to her before turning back to the battle without another word.

While she wanted this to end, she could not risk further damage to the relations between her kingdom and Felgarde by losing Sir Giazza.

"Your Highness, what should we do? The longer this drags on, the more this situation will become worse." An officer said to Lize. She wanted to point out that he was referring to the obvious, but being the respectful one, she decided against it.

But the officer was right. This must end quickly no matter the cost. She looked towards the distance where she could see (Falric) himself and his retinue despite the mist. She wondered though; why did he react this way? Why was he so unwilling to negotiate and talk about things? Perhaps there was something that happened to him in the past?

That last thought was what caught her mind. It has to be something about his past. Perhaps he was once betrayed before, and that alone made her feel obligated to help him.

She shook those thoughts off — there is still the urgent matter at hand. She refocused herself to the battle and saw that the Felgardians are making one last desperate attempt to break through their lines. The sheer ferocity of the assault was enough to bend their lines to the point of collapse, causing even more losses. This cannot continue.

Lize summoned her sword, determined to end it with her own hands. Without saying anything, she walked down the hill and towards the front lines, ignoring the protests of her officers while the royal guards obediently followed her. She knows that she will be spilling blood for the first time in her life, but if this will end things faster, then she will do it. She looked at the hill where (Falric) is one last time before she and her royal guards finally joined the fight.

Just as their front line was penetrated, Lize and her guards arrived before the Felgardians could do any meaningful damage. Together with her soldiers, they slowly push back the fierce assault. Just before they could've succeeded, a counterpush from the opposing force incredibly locked them in a stalemate. Lize had just defeated a Felgardian kalator when Prince Mateo spotted and attacked her. She was barely able to block the House of Caesar prince's attack before she countered with her own, pushing him back.

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