Chapter 1: What Happens after The Curse

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What have we done to deserve this
I didn't want any of this
Were we severely punished like this just because of how we were born?
All I wanted was to save them, I knew that there'll be a price to pay, but I never thought it would be like this.
never in my life have I ever thought that this is how it would turn, but sometimes reality can be even crueler than we think.
I see nothing........ I hear nothing...... like my senses just stopped working
but then my vision starts to clear
I can hear them
I hear their screams
that's when I snapped of my little daze when I heard my brothers' screams as I saw those soldiers pinning them down
I tried to scream......... call for them .....begging the soldiers to leave them and spare their lives.
but my voice never came out....... and soon I found out why
lying on the ground a corpse of a girl as old as I am with her chest ripped open
her organs are visible but her heart isn't there and standing beside her is one of the soldiers standing with a bloody dagger in hand and what appears to be the girl's heart in the other laughing and mocking the brothers' cries
"oh don't worry you shall be joining her soon," said the soldier with the bloody dagger
then he signaled for the other soldiers pinning the brothers, they both knew what that meant, the soldiers dragged them away from each other, each of them was held down by a group of soldiers
both the brothers knew this was going to be the end, Ilan and Miles looked at each other as silent goodbye
Ilan was dragged away by laughing soldiers mocking his disparate attempts to reach his brother
"shut it you little brat and let's get this over with maybe that'll teach you to stay out of our business," said the soldier pinning Ilan before electrocuting him with high voltage, Ilan screamed a blood-curdling scream, I tried to push the soldier away or hit him but I went through him
shocked ...... I tried again and again, and yet every time I tried I went through him, I stood there helplessly watching as my brother continued screaming, and this was amused the soldiers for they started laughing, this went on for a few minutes till Ilan fell lifeless to the ground, the smell of burnt flesh coming out of him, every vein on his body is visible as it turned to strange colors almost black, Miles screams could be heard as he cried for his brother begging him to wake up, but Ilan didn't move
Miles felt uncontrollable rage fill him
"two gone and one left" mocked the soldier standing beside Ilan's corpse as he put the taser back to its holder
"I'll kill you, all of you, you won't see the light of another day, you'll regret it with your life" screamed Miles with rage
"I don't think we will pretty boy, either way, we have to finish our job and since I'm so merciful I'll make it quick," said the soldier with a calm yet mocking tone
He then signaled for all the soldiers to raise their guns, and they pointed them at Miles
" it's nothing personal Upsher it's just good business," said their chief before showering Miles with bullets
I stood in front of Miles trying to protect him, but as expected the bullets went through me, Miles fell to the ground, blood oozing from everywhere in his body
I've never felt so helpless in my life, as I stood there watching the soldiers as they're beginning to leave
I looked to my brothers' corpses and, my.... corpse
I stood there staring at them, I couldn't protect them, feeling angry at my self for being weak, at the universe for taking them away, at those soldiers curse their souls
I want them gone, I want them wiped from the face of the earth without a trace
My thoughts were soon cut off as I heard screams that split the night, that's when I saw it
three black smokey figures shaped somewhat like a human but more monstrous with wide crazed smiles that look like it was carved to their monstrous faces, Black cleft eyes like the depths of Hell that has a black liquid oozing and dripping out of them, and even though their eyes are completely black you can see the crazed look in them, horns coming out of their heads adding to their horrifying look, they looked at the three corpses, their smiles widening even more adding more craziness to their look before lunging at the soldiers throwing them across the hall repeatedly
the sickening sound of bones getting crushed could be heard mixed with soldiers' screams and begs for mercy but their calls fell on deaf ears as these things gripped them tightly ripping their heads from their bodies, as they started tearing the bodies into pieces
blood spilled everywhere covering everything including the corpses
and then it was silent again, as it always was.
then I felt like I was being pulled back to my body as a strange feeling washed over me
Is this how death feels? such a depressing and a lonely felling
and then I found myself in the place where my body was supposed to be I closed my eyes preparing myself for the final journey or the final rest as they call it, it was silent once more, terrified of these creatures I prayed that they can't see me
But I'm dead so they can't hurt me, right?
But what's that?
that awful smell .... the stench of death, My chest is tightening...
I opened my eyes and..... and there it was... the source of that awful smell
that thing was inches from my face.
smiling wildly staring at me.

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