Chapter 9 - Kisses Lead To Screams

Start from the beginning

(Same time frame, Ashlyn, first person)

“Concentrate, little bird. Feel the fire’s warmth, the water’s cool touch, the earth’s steadiness, the wind’s soft kiss, spirits calming effects, and the light’s illuminating touch.” Caij said, trying to push me to my limits. I huffed in annoyance. I had spent the past three months trying to convince this man to quit calling me little bird but nothing seemed to get through to him. He’d just smile and shake his head, just like the day we met.

(Three months earlier)

I awoke feeling groggy and wondering where I was. I knew better than to hope that what had transpired had been a dream because everything that seems improbable was now possible in her life.

Ugh my head. I thought, pressing a hand to my forehead in an attempt to ease the excruciating pain, to no avail.

“What happened, little bird, did you break your wings?” a deep voice rumbled from the dark corner of the cell I was in. Immediately I went on the defensive, backing up until my back hit the wall and casting a fearful yet determined look in the direction of the voice. A chuckle followed my reaction, only putting me more on edge. “Calm down, I couldn’t hurt you right now if I tried; not that I want to anyways.” The man said, stepping into the small sliver of light that was allowed by the slit in the wall.

I took in his appearance, and was amazed. The man had to be in his late thirties and from the looks of it; he had spent most of that time in this dungeon. He had deep, black hair that was just shy of brushing his shoulders and looked like it had been sheared off with a hunting knife. Along his strong jaw line was a thick matting of facial hair, giving him a rugged look. As I studied his face closer, I noticed he had eyes the shade of violet, with a thick mangled scar covering his left temple. I was intrigued by his eye color, so alike to my own that it was comforting. I knew I could trust him from his relaxed stance and friendly posture, plus I couldn’t see him as dangerous with such a soft, almost fond, expression on his face.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I would like to know where I am, and who you are, and how you came to be here.” I said haughtily, throwing a look at him that screamed ‘tell me.’

“Well you’re quite the feisty one, aren’t you?” the man chuckled to himself before continuing. “For starters, we are in the devil’s grasp. This,” he gestured to their small enclosure, “is Ailden Red’s dungeon, located in Scotland.” My face paled at the thought of being in a different country, in a stranger’s dungeon; great, just great. “I am Caij. I’ve been here for almost eighteen years, and I got here by biting off most of Ailden’s tail when he threated the life of my Flame and my unborn child. I had to leave them both, and I only know my Flame is alive because I am.” Caij said, a tear sliding down his cheek. My heart went out to him, but I was slightly confused.

“What do you mean you only know she’s alive because you are?” I asked, furrowing my brown in the process. Caij sighed and shook his head.

“When a dragon’s Flame dies, he dies with her. Yet if the dragon dies, his Flame lives on, but she is never able to be completely whole. A part of her will always be missing.” His voice carried a dejected note, and I immediately felt saddened, knowing now that if I died, Talon would be soon to follow after me. Caij clacked suddenly, and a bright smile appeared in his face, confusing me greatly.

“What are you smiling about, old man?” I asked, regarding him cautiously. His grin only grew wider, before he finally spoke.

“You. You’re going to break us out of here, after I train you to use your magic of course.”


My anger flared. If that man called me little bird one more time I swear to god I’m going to suffocate him. As my anger built, I started feeling a warm bubbling in my abdomen. Out of the corner of my eye, I say Caij smile with pride, but I was too focused on my anger to do anything. All I could focus on was how mad I was. I was tired of the constant beatings from Ailden, the frustration with not being able to use my magic, being locked in this dark space for months, but mostly I was mad that I had not seen Talon in three months. I knew he was looking for me, but he hadn’t found me yet, and that only made me angrier with my situation. I wanted my dragon back, and I wanted him back NOW.

With that last thought, it seemed as if everything exploded from me, and a bright light hurled towards the opposite wall, before blowing it into oblivion. I stood, open-mouthed, and staring at what was before me. I cast a glance back at Caij, than looked ahead again. I had just provided us with an escape, but what good would that do if I didn’t have a dragon…

“Caij! You can still fly right? You can take me home, yes?” I ask, my voice ringing with desperation while my eyes shown with hope. He simply nodded and walked forward, and the second his foot hit the grass he changed into a white dragon with violet eyes. It was strange to me that his eyes, even in human form, were a haunting shade of purple; but then, who was I to talk about strange eyes? “Wait, Caij, how are we supposed to communicate?” I was puzzled, but he only rolled his eyes, before I felt the same pushing sensation in my mind as I had when Talon had connected to my thoughts. I allowed Caij to enter, only because I now viewed him in a fatherly light, even if I wanted to wring his neck ninety percent of the time.

“Alright little bird, hop up and we’ll head for the U.S.” I did as I was told, and before he took off, Caij craned his neck around to fix one of his large eyes on me. “Hold on. We’re in for a long and dangerous ride. You can sleep, I won’t drop you, and I’ll only wake you up if it’s an emergency. Deal?” His voice resonated in my head, bouncing off of every surface. I simply nodded before closing my eyes and succumbing to the sweet embrace of sleep, but not before I heard the furious roar of a dragon.

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