Chapter 5 - Adrenaline Rush

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I'm really liking this story so far, but to be honest I'm so nervous O:

whenever there's "dialogue like this in quotaions" it's Talon and Ashlyn communicating mentally, just as an fyi! (:

I would love to get some feedback in case I'm confusing someone and just not realizing it!

Well here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy it!


              We were speeding down an unknown road in an unknown territory, Talon’s arms gripping me like he was about to die. I laughed giddily at this dragon who was scared to be on the back of my bike. It was quite funny, considering he spent most of his time flying, probably at speeds greater then, looking down I checked my speedometer and my smirk grew. He could definitely fly faster than 85 mph. I turned onto another random dirt road and just drove, slowing down as we got closer to the field where I first really met Talon. Thank god for my instinctual directions I thought to myself as I pulled over in the exact same spot as yesterday and cut my engine.

                Talon’s arms moved from around my waist slowly, than he stood up and removed my helmet from his head. Instantly, I burst out laughing. Talon’s eyes were wider than Frisbees and his short hair was sticking in all sorts of different directions. Talon narrowed his eyes at my laughter and stuck his tongue out childishly. This only caused me to laugh more as I got of my bike and just motioned for him to follow me into the woods. Talon was quick to do so, and when we just walked to the field in silence. It wasn’t awkward at all, it was surprisingly comfortable to just walk next to Talon and hear the birds chirpy loudly above us. When we finally stepped into the field, Talon looked over at me, a shocked expression on his face.

                “Ashlyn, how’d you find this place? I thought we were seriously just driving around!” Talon exclaimed, a look of wonderment shining in his crystal blue eyes. I sighed, than smiled.

                “I’ve always had an uncanny sense of direction. Once I’ve been somewhere, I can find my way there and back again effortlessly.” I shrugged, not bothered by it like most people would be.” My mom said it was a gift, and that at least when I’m not home she knows I’ll be able to find my way back from whatever little ‘adventure’ I’m off on.” I didn’t mention the fact that I could find the people I had had contact with just by thinking of their face. That was a little to freaky, even my own mother didn’t know that. I sighed and shook my head, looking back over at Talon.

                “Alright, let’s get down to business. Teach me about this mental connection, dragon.” I stated, rubbing my hands together like an evil mastermind would do at the thought of world destruction. I laughed at my own weird thoughts, earning a strange look from Talon. Great, even he’s going to think I’m crazy by the end of today I thought bitterly. It was no secret I was weird, I just had to hope that this dragon could tolerate it.

                “Well, it’s quite a simple process, really. Just think about me, and only me, and your natural shields should automatically bend to allow me in.” Talon stated, smiling sweetly. All I had to do was think of him? I scoffed, this was going to be a piece of cake. I smiled wickedly at Talon, thinking of this as a challenge, and started thinking of nothing but him. It wasn’t heard at all, seeing as how he had consumed my every thought since I had woken up this morning.

                I was in the middle of thinking of riding him in his dragon form, when I heard his voice in my head, and my eyes widened, then narrowed almost immediately at what he said.

“I’m highly disappointed that you only want to ride the dragon, not the man babe”. Talon’s voice drifted through my head. Reaching over, I smacked him on the forehead, causing him to yelp.

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