Skip a few weeks

Dad : girls school
Tegan ; we're going
Piper : ugh
Robin ; come on
Piper : bye
Dad : have fun
Tegan ; we won't

We walk out the door walking to school and i head stright to class

Tegan ; leah
Leah ; Tegan
Tegan ; I'm tired
Leah ; join the club
Tegan ; ugh
Leah : so tomrrow do u wanna get a milkshake
Tegan : of course when do i say no to a milkshake
Leah : never
Mr keem : girls shh

We go quiet for a while

Tegan ; who else is going tomrrow
Leah : lily and Yashvi
Tegan : so the whole group
Leah : yh could of said that
Tegan : ooh i like the ring
Leah ; thanks my mom got for me
Tegan ; your mom has good tatse
Leah ; don't she has the best tatse in everything apart from men all the guys shes gone for have been jerks my dad the worst the worse of them all
Tegan ; thats shit
Leah : it is but hes now out of her life and my mom is sworn off men
Tegan : good
Leah : it is
Tegan : any guys in the piture for u
Leah ; nope surprisingly not talking to anyone
Tegan ; damn
Leah ; i know shocker
Tegan : very
Leah : i give it a few days and there will be someone
Tegan ; 24 hours
Leah ; we will just see
Mr keem : girls last warning 

We go quiet again skip rest of the day

Piper : yo
Pagie : yo back
Daniel ; hi
Tegan : your back 
Daniel ; i am
Piper ; wheres mom and david
Pagie ; emergency meeting at work
Piper ; shcoker right bye
Daniel : bye

She walks upstairs and i sit down

Daniel : eww your bleeding
Tegan ; its dried blood thank u
Daniel ; why do u and Pagie both have dried blood
Pagie ; me pip ned and Tegan all had blood tests yeserday
Tegan : what fun they were
Daniel : why
Pagie : just a cheak up 
Daniel : ah
Tegan : how was LA
Daniel ; it was fun got drunk a lot
Tegan : kinda gatherd from the drunk messages a got underage drinking bad
Daniel : u drink
Tegan : shut up
Pagie : u guys message
Tegan : he messaged me
Daniel : it's about stuff
Pagie : can't i know
Daniel : no
Pagie : Tegan what does he tell u
Tegan : stuff
Pagie : I'll look throw your messages
Daniel : good luck we delete them
Tegan : yh
Pagie ; must be bad if u delete them if there nudes then i an't looking
Tegan : not nudes but i did get a shirtless piture from him
Daniel : it was an accident
Pagie : how was it an accident
Daniel : we were messaging and she asked for me to send a piture of the pool and by accident i clicked the shirtless one and sent it by accident
Pagie : accident

She puts in air quotes and i let out a little laugh

Daniel : shut up
Tegan : it was an accident right
Daniel : yes
Tegan : ok
Pagie : right losers i got work
Tegan : love u 
Pagie : love u too bye
Daniel : bye

She walks out the door

Tegan ; dude you've had all day to ask her out why haven't u done it
Daniel : yh i gotta tell u something
Tegan : what
Daniel : i don't like Pagie anymore
Tegan ; Fuck sake I've gave u so much advice and u don't even like her any more
Daniel : sorry
Tegan ; what some LA girl now
Daniel : no
Tegan : so do u not like her anymore because theres someone else or u just don't like her anymore
Daniel : after a few days of being in LA and being away from her i stopped liking her and then i relsised i like someone else
Tegan : ah ok i guess when your hanging out with someone u would catch feelings but when u stop u being with them thoeses feelings fade
Daniel : yes exscaly
Tegan : yh
Daniel : considering u say u haven't had feelings for someone in a long time u know a lot
Tegan : i listen to frineds and go off that
Daniel : are u sure u aren't heartless
Tegan : I'm not heartless also you've seen me cry
Daniel : yh why were u crying
Tegan : just a reasons
Daniel : ok
Tegan ; so u want food
Daniel : of course I'll never say no to food

We get up going to the kitchen and i cook the whole family food and me piper and daniel all eat

Piper : look at this piture cage sent me
Tegan : the kitten
Daniel : of course u say the kitten
Tegan : kittens are cute
Piper ; i agree but cage is cuter
Daniel : I'm gonna say the cat is cute
Piper : mhm
Tegan : give me your phone
Daniel : why
Tegan ; i wanna see the LA pics
Daniel ; there's others
Tegan : I've seen it all
Piper ; excuse me
Tegan ; well I'm not virgin
Piper : ok

He hands me his phone

Daniel ; theres no dick pics just shirtless ones
Tegan ; ok
Piper : i wanna see the LA pics

She leans on my shoulder and we go throw the photos

Tegan ; u do have some intresting photos
Daniel ; i know I'm fully awear
Piper : I'm jelouse u went to LA
Daniel : well I'm moving out there soom hopefully
Tegan : luckey shit I'd love to live there
Piper : same but Australia is calling my name
Daniel : i wanna go there
Tegan ; i wanna go everywhere
Daniel : same
Piper ; that makes 3 of us anyway I'm gonna go FaceTime cage
Tegan ; ok

She goes upstairs

Daniel : shes so unsociable
Tegan : she is honestly but so am i
Daniel : aren't all teenagers
Tegan : true
Daniel ; yh
Tegan : so Daniel
Daniel : Tegan
Tegan : who is this other girl
Daniel : I'm going
Tegan ; come on we don't know the same people only Pagie so come on
Daniel : bye
Tegan : uhh no Daniel tell me
Daniel : i can't
Tegan : yes u can or was right all along and it was me

He goes quiet .

Tegan : no

I cover my face

Daniel ; I'm going
Tegan : daniel
Daniel : bye

He walks out the door

Tegan : great

I get up cleaning the dishs

Robin : hi
Tegan : hi dinner in the oven I'm going to bed i feel crappy
Dad : ok sleep well love u
Tegan : love u too night robin
Robin ; good night

I go upstairs going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed

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