Chapter 16: Wheel of Misfortune

Start from the beginning

"But I thought the RCMP hunted you down," Gwen pointed out.

"They tried but being a wilderness survivor and swift-footed I avoided capture," she said pulling out a raw fish making most of us cringe."Once I was safe among my animal brethren, it was just me against the harsh elements."

"You call this harsh? It's been warm and sunny all week," Leshawna commented.

"Not where I was, but luckily I was able to take refuge in the beaver dam." She stated.

"Are you making this up as you go?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, it really happened. I befriended them and together we forged for nuts and berries. Boy, I could use a bag of nachos right now." She said and the let out a howl." So, what's new with you guys?"

"Alrighty, campers. Report to the amphitheater where you'll learn all about this week's challenge. Mclain, out."

I walk over to Heather and give a kiss.

"You okay? You seem a little scared when Eva got near you," I said.

"Yeah, I'm fine as long as I have my shiny knight by my side." She replied.

"Well don't worry. I will always be here to protect you." I said lifting her chin and giving her another kiss.


We were all grouped up in the Amphitheater and took a seat. Chris began to explain today's plans.

"Welcome to your next challenge. The time-honored game of torture. Say, uncle. You are all about to be put through a test of endurance so insane that some of them sent our interns to the emergency room. If you back down from the challenge or do not last the required ten seconds you will be eliminated. The winner will not only be safe from elimination but will win this luxurious trailer. Yours to take home at the end of the summer." Chris told us.

"What kinds of torture?" Leshawna asked.

"Why don't you ask my lovely assistant?" Chris pointed to Chef in a hockey mask with a cooking hatchet."Alright, let's do this. Duncan, you're first up. Let's spin the wheel of misfortune to select your torture.

They spun the wheel and it landed on a Turtle. Basically, he had to watch him dodge hungry snapping turtle while staying in front of a goalie. It didn't exactly go the best, but he still proceeded to the last round.

I looked at Gwen and Trent and saw them flirting with each other. Then looked to see who was up next.

Lindsay went next and got marshmallow waxing. She took it pretty well though honestly, I wouldn't have been able to it looked way too painful to me it must be a good thing.

After she was Bridgette with a barrel of leaches which she would've had to deal with if it wasn't for Geoff taking her place. Even though it was a very sweet gesture, he didn't manage 10 seconds so he was the first one out.

Next was Owen he had to put on these wooden pants and deal with a woodpecker directly after.

After him was Gwen. She had some of her nose hair ripped out. After that went DJ who got tied up by a snake. Next was me. My torture was to sit my feet in barrel hot rocks for a whole ten seconds which was very painful but I lasted all ten seconds.

Next went Bridgette. She got surrounded by bees and didn't complain. Chris spun the wheel again.

"Our next challenge will be 10 seconds in a wooden crate with sasquatchanakwa. Tough one. Bridgette you haven't complained in a while so you can choose the next victim." Chris said.

We all started to chant Eva's name together and Bridgette nodded.

"Here's a toe tag surfer girl. You'll be needing it for later." Eva stated.

Eva went in and the box started shaking like crazy and loud growls came from the inside. Eva then came out wearing the Yeti's feet and a part of its head.

After Eva, Trent went next jumping on rocks spaced between skunks. One sprayed right in his face making him faint. They put headphones on Gwen that gave her the chills and she threw them off.

Lindsay was threatened to get her hair cut which she refused to do. Eventually, it came down to Leshawna vs. Eva. Basically, Leshawna had to go against a bear in a log rolling over piranha-infested water.

She went for it and it started off a little shaky but she pulled it together and won immunity.


After casting our votes, we gathered around the campfire for the elimination ceremony.

"Okay, so first up, we're out of marshmallows_" Chris started.

"NOOOOOOO!" Owen cried.

"I reviewed the confessionals and I have to say, there's a lot of hate on in this awesome group. While I normally protect your privacy in the spirit of airing your dirty laundry I'm gonna go live with your confessionals." Chris said.

Basically aside from Duncan and Eva who voted for Heather, everyone voted for Eva. She was put on the boat of losers and was yelling about how she'll get her revenge.

"Wow, she has issues, huh?" Izzy started."Party at Leshawna's new crib."

Everyone headed to the party expected for me and Heather. We decided to eat popcorn and Oreos while watching a movie instead.


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