Sayra612 → Vaidarbhi

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A letter to the Lady of Dwapar Maharani Rukmini from Sayra612

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A letter to the Lady of Dwapar Maharani Rukmini from Sayra612

I am going to write to Rukmini ji

Dear Rukmini,

I am a great devotee of yours and your life inspires me to no end

From the way your father gave you and your brother same education to the way that you became a scholar in vedas and politics.

From they way that you refused to be forced to marry to someone who wasn't your choice to the way you showcased your Bravery by writing to Keshv

From the way you took all the bad mouthing about you in stride after the death of pandavas and to the way you still remained kind and serene

From the way you suggested the political policies of Dwarka to the way you accepted each of your co wives with open arms

From the way you became Keshv's strength to the way you didn't complain when your husband seemed more occupied for the world then you and didn't have time for you

From the way you still kept working ahead even after losing your son to the way you became the mother of all world

I admire you with all my heart and it deeply hurts when someone disrespects you

You have been my light in these years since I got to know you more.

I now believe that if Keshv is the king maker of mahabharat, you're the strategy that completes him

Without you, he's not complete and that shows your character, your determination

I bow you, Rukmini Devi,

You've become like another mother to me after I accepted you as the mother of all worlds

Thank you for allowing me to even remotely understand you

- said by a staunch devotee of yours

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