Chapter 1: It's A Wonderful Life

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I hope that this version will be better than the one from 2016 that I deleted. The songs in this version are, of course, gonna be different. I plan on making a whole lot of changes, like for example, there isn't going to be any bad guy who steals the gem and later, his ghost tries to seek revenge after getting killed or anything like that. Also, I see Grumpster and Doc having the type of relationship where they won't get into any terrible fights, but they would still deny their obvious feelings for each other like always. Also, the title of this fic isn't going to start with "Legend of" and I guess Gem of Perception is a bit of a better name than the Stone of Thought.
It's already been several months since 20-year-old Empathy moved in with the most amazing dwarves in the entire multiverse, and yes, you might have thought that Empathy was younger than she claims to be, but she actually is 20 (but I'm actually 15 years old in real life, 2 months away from turning 16). The young adult has been having a spectacular time going on adventures with each of my precious dwarfskies for the past several months (I've lost track of exactly how many months) and absolutely adores being their friend (and soon-to-be new team member) and they're all glad to have her as a friend. Well, for Grumpy, not so much. He's still trying to get used to her, same goes for her trying to get used to her (yeah, the relationship between them is pretty complicated). Anyways, let's start this story off inside the cottage, where the 7D and Empathy were guessing one another's birthdays and favorite things.
Empathy: So, Sneeze-man. Is your birthday in... March?
Sneezy: It's in February. I'm so glad that my birthday isn't during Spring. (Me too, Sneeze-man.)
Empathy: Oh, okay. I'm gonna guess your birthday is on February... 12th?
Sneezy: That's right, Em! It is on February 12th!
Empathy: Yus!
The human and the sneezer gave each other a high-four.
Empathy: How the fork did I guess that right?!
Sleepy: You're a genius, Em.

Empathy: Thank you, Sleepster.

Sleepy: You're welcome, and no offense, Doc.
Doc: None taken. Empathy is very smart and even if I'm the smartest guy in Jollywood, I don't want her to feel like she's dumb or anything.
Empathy: Now I'm not even sure how to feel about that.
Grumpy: Neither am I. It just seems like you're slightly gloating about being the smartest guy in Jollywood, (under his breath) which is definitely true. (Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee! 😁)
Doc: Grumpster, I'm not gloating.
The flowerpotted doof blushed very hard as he likes hearing the tall-hatted bozo call him "Grumpster." (He doesn't like it, he lo-o-o-oves it! 😆)
Grumpy: Well, to me, you are, Doc.

Bashful: Nevermind that, when is your birthday, Empathy?
Empathy: (winks at Bashful) December 11th, Bashie. (That is my actual birthday for those of you who don't know.)
Bashful: (blushes) Ooh, I like that (🎵I-I-I like that!🎵). Mine is on April 16th.
Dopey: (whistles "Mine is August 31th!")

Sleepy: Mine's August 22th.

Happy: October 25th.

Doc: November 14th.

Grumpy: March 30th.
Empathy pointed at each of my precious dwarfskies and then herself as she brought up what each of their zodiac signs are.
Empathy: Let's see... Aquarius, Aries, Virgo, Leo, Scorpio, Scorpio, Aries, Sagittarius.
Bashful: Ooh, I wonder if an Aries and a Sagittarius are compatible with each other (which they are, but I see myself dating a Virgo one day, even though Virgos don't seem to be very compatible with Sagittariuses).
Empathy: They probably are, I'm not sure.
Bashful: Oh... but I hope they are.
Happy got out his guitar and prepared to let out a tune.
Happy: Empathy, would you like the first person to sing a wonderful melody?
Empathy: I'd be honored to, Hap.
The cheerful cutie began to strum on his guitar and Empathy started to sing.
Empathy: 🎵I had a dream so big and loud, I jumped so high I touched the clouds. Wo-o-o-o-o-oh!🎵
The 7D: 🎵Wo-o-o-o-o-oh!🎵

Bashful: 🎵I stretched my hands out to the sky, we danced with monsters through the night. Wo-o-o-o-o-oh!🎵
The 6D and Empathy: 🎵Wo-o-o-o-o-oh!🎵
Sleepy: 🎵I'm never gonna look back, woah, never gonna give it up. No, please don't wake me now.🎵
Sneezy: 🎵This is gonna be the best day of my life, my li-i-i-i-i-ife!🎵
Dopey: (whistles 🎵This is gonna be the best day of my life, my li-i-i-i-i-ife!🎵)
Grumpy: 🎵I howled at the moon with friends, and then the sun came crashing in. Wo-o-o-o-o-oh!🎵
The 6D and Empathy: 🎵Wo-o-o-o-o-oh!🎵
Doc: 🎵But all the possibilities, no limits just epiphanies. Wo-o-o-o-o-oh!🎵
The 6D and Empathy: 🎵Wo-o-o-o-o-oh!🎵
Happy: 🎵I'm never gonna look back, woah, never gonna give it up. No, just don't wake me now.🎵
Empathy: 🎵This is gonna be the best day of my life, my li-i-i-i-i-ife!🎵
The 7D and Empathy: 🎵This is gonna be the best day of my life, my li-i-i-i-i-ife!🎵
Dopey: (whistles 🎵I hear it calling outside my window, I feel it in my soul.🎵)
Bashful: 🎵The stars were burning so bright, the sun was out 'til midnight, I say we lose control.🎵
Sleepy: 🎵This is gonna be the best day of my life, my li-i-i-i-i-ife!🎵
Grumpy and Doc: 🎵This is gonna be the best day of my life, my li-i-i-i-i-ife!🎵
The 7D and Empathy: 🎵This is gonna be, this is gonna be, this is gonna be the best day of my life! Everything is looking up, everybody up now. This is gonna be the best day of my life, my li-i-i-i-i-ife!🎵
After the song ended, Empathy and the adorable little munchkins all went in for a heartfelt group hug.
I'm just gonna stop there for now. This version is very different from the 2016 version so far, even though I'm only on the first chapter. The 2016 version, along with A Rainy Day Mischief, had some references to The Loud House, which is a very overrated cartoon in my opinion, and I'm not going to put ANY reference to TLH in this version or in any of my other upcoming improved Jollywood 10 fanfics. Probably some point at the end of this fanfic, I'll write a new chapter for my Vampire AU, just so that it could finally return from it's hiatus.

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