Chapter 1: The Crystal Empire - Part 1

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): Whatever. Who's the goon that I'm going to have to stop this time?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): He is an evil unicorn named. . . King Sombra.

(Y/N): King. . . Sombra?

King Sombra: *chuckles evilly*

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Yes. He is a very powerful tyrant who wants to enslave a kingdom in the artic north of Equestria.

(Y/N): That explains the snow. . .

Mysterious Voice (Echo): King Sombra is simply a shadow for the time being, but he will slowly gain power to retake the kingdom that he once had in Early Equestria to enslave the ponies that live there. You must put a stop to this evil unicorn before the entire empire is taken over again.

King Sombra: *whispers* The male alicorn. . .

(Y/N): *shudders* He is definitely giving me the creeps.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Will you relax? He's not going to jump out at you.

(Y/N): I know, I know. I never said that I was scared. In fact, I'm more than eager to take on a new quest. If a villain got to be stopped then I'm more than glad to take on a little action.

(Y/N) says that with determination on his face as the mysterious voice just giggles from that.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Great, it sounds like that you'll be prepared to save Equestria once again then.

(Y/N): Hey, a hero has got to do what a heroes got to do. My friends and I will put a stop to the king no problem.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Excellent (Y/N).

The mysterious voice then had a more somber tone in her voice.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): There is one more thing that I need to tell you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): What's that?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): It's about. . . your magic.

(Y/N): My magic? What about it? Is there a problem that you see with it?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Yes. . . and do not get upset with me if I ask this, but. . . are you afraid?

(Y/N): Afraid? *chuckles* What's there to be afraid of? I'm always positive about what happens in the world.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): (Y/N)! I'M SERIOUS!!

(Y/N) recoils a bit surprised by her sudden change of tone.

(Y/N): Whoa!! Geez, okay! Why are you so uptight all of a sudden?

Mysterious Voice (Echo): Because I'm worried about you! There's is something inside of you that you haven't learned to control!

(Y/N): I. . . don't get it.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): How dense are you?! I'm talking about your magic! There is something on you that you really need to be concerned of! Is there anything abnormal that happens periodically with your magic that you can't explain?

(Y/N): Uh. . . well. . . there is this. . . "thing" that happens with my aura. Sometimes I suddenly see it turn darker shade of itself and magic starts to fall out of my body. . . and sometimes it kind of hurts.

Mysterious Voice (Echo): I knew it! You are afraid of something!

(Y/N): Afraid? Of what? My magic?

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 3)Where stories live. Discover now