Pursue Happiness

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Sorry to my lil fam that I didn't updated in so long, I was having health issues. This pandemic have not only taken a toll on physical health but also mental health of many. Guys I really urge you to go out and seek help if you are having trouble to deal with the current situation. I didn't took this seriously and this was my biggest mistake!! This landed me on a hospital bed. I always neglected my feelings, like that of fear and uncertainty. I didn't know that in the long run it's going to effect me worsely. I always had that constant fear that this virus is gonna effect my family in worse way, I didn't step out of my house for a total of four months, didn't have any real talk or connection with anybody, everything was done virtually.
This phase also affected me greatly in identifying people, and a s a lil ray of sunshine I am I was ought to find something inspiring in this too.
This situation not only told me who my real friends we're, but also made me so so thankful for the little things that I would ignore previously. It made me thank for the food that I could enjoy, the breath I take etc etc. It also made me realise that there is no person out there that would care for you and pray for you like a mother would do.
Friends be thankful for every little thing you have cause out there, there are people who have to struggle for it!!
I have difficulty in breathing, and now I have a weak digestive system. I also have developed neck strain. I have to struggle to do simple things like exercise, eat my favorite food, read late at night etc. All because of my negligence. I also have developed the problem of anxiety, all these things came at once to me and I literally thought this is my last day on earth but by the grace of God I am recovering and this experience have made me a better person.
Guys no matter how worst is a situation but always remember one thing that only change is a permanent thing, nothing else is permanent in this world, not even your tough time. So stay tight and fight with everything you got and for yourself cause at the end of the day you are the only one who's got your back👍🏻👍🏻🌺
Till then enjoy every moment as much as you can and loads of love from myside😘😘

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