Namjoon groaned tapping his full tummy burping slightly, "Wow, now that's what I call food porn" he said slowly but Jin still heard it. He chuckled lowly keeping his eyes down on his plate. Namjoon let his head back, licking his lips, reminiscing the taste and Jin was now slightly disgusted, "Yah, you look like a sick weirdo" he said.

Namjoon ignored him and stood up picking his dishes going to the sink while Jin stared blankly at him. Namjoon pulled his sleeves up and opened the tap, washing the dishes. Jin felt his heart fluttering, Namjoon was a real gentlemen. Jin was lost in his thoughts staring at Namjoon who frowned at him, "If you're done, get your dirty plates" he said alarming Jin.

Jin nodded and shoved all the food in his mouth looking like a hamster. He walked to Namjoon and passed his plates, going back to clean the table. Jin took a cloth but Namjoon stopped, "What do you think you're doing? How many times do I have to tell you that you aren't allowed to work?" He asked sternly.

Jin sighed, "I'm fine Joon. I can't let you do everything" he said softly. Namjoon sighed shaking his head. He washed his hands and walked closer to Jin, taking the cloth from his hand and made him sit on the chair as he kneeled in front of him. Jin stared at his hands in his laps, not looking at Namjoon who had a concerned look on his face.

Namjoon took Jin's hand in his own, "Jin, listen to me. Just because I have a job doesn't make my responsibilities any lesser than yours. I have equal share of work as you do. When you'll get a job then you won't be exempted from this, so why should I? We both are equal and do equal work. You cook and I clean, it's equal." he explained.

Jin bit his lips, "But I feel guilty seeing you doing these chores. You don't have to. I can do it, since I have no job yet" he said slightly ashamed of himself and Namjoon frowned, "So what? Having a job doesn't make me a superman and it won't make you one either. All jobs are equal status, if it is a house work or some office work" he explained.

Jin smiled, "Thank you." he said shyly and Namjoon grinned, "You know, you are pain in butt but still adorable" he said showing his dimple. Jin blinked once, twice and stood up chasing Namjoon, who was already running away from him, "You punk, whom did you call pain in butt? Come here" He yelled trying to catch him.

Namjoon laughed loudly dodging Jin every time he got close, making Jin slightly frustrated and tired. Namjoon sensed Jin getting slower and stopped raising his hands in defeat, "I'm sorry. But really hyung, you use way too much of your tiny brain. Don't do that" he said with a smile and Jin nodded panting a little holding his knees.

Namjoon went closer to him and pulled him to his room, "Stay here, I'll get your medicine and I really don't want to hear you whine about it." He said seeing Jin opening his mouth. Jin pouted and crossed his arms in front of him making Namjoon chuckle, "I was right" he said walking out leaving a curious Jin who wondered what did he mean.

Namjoon as promised brought Jin his medicines and water, forcing him to gulp down those nasty and bitter tablets. Namjoon chuckled at Jin's face but didn't comment on it. He asked Jin to lay down and tucked him in, "Sleep well. If you need me and just scream for me, okay?" He said softly, walking out shutting the lights off on his way as Jin nodded his head in response.

Namjoon walked back to kitchen to finish his work which he left in half. He wasn't much tired since Jin did most of the work even after Namjoon ordered him not to. Namjoon sighed falliny on the couch, not tired and not sleepy. He watched some TV but nothing interesting showed, so he switched to his phone. Again, finding nothing new.

He rolled his eyes, now extremely bored and threw his phone on the couch next to him, staring blankly at the black screen of the TV. He laid down, tired of sitting and stared at the ceiling blankly, drumming his fingers on the back of his palm, humming some tune. His attention was caught by a tiny sound of door opening and he looked towards their rooms.

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