She rolled her eyes but gave me a good luck hug. And I was off.

"So Tiffani today is your first day at work." Said my boss, Jenny. "You are here to help the costumers, by that I mean if a costumer comes in and asks you for, oh I don't know; advice or anything... you help them."

I nodded after every word she said. She talked a lot. Scratch that. She talked too much. I was getting lost in her words. So lost I was hearing different things. When she was saying "If it's not on the rack" I heard... "It fits on the cat." Or when she said "I'll get that for you in a sec" I heard "Alligators in a sac."

"And last but not least!" She said with a deep breath. "You must always be positive! Positive. Positive. Positive. Costumers like happy energetic faces. So basically you do all that and you should be okay! Now get to it." She pushed me out of her office and I walked to the back room.

I walked in. It was nice and cozy looking. "You gotta get in your uniform girl before costumer start arriving." Said a girl who walked in behind me. She didn't even let me talk. "Oh, that's right, you're that new girl? Mhm, ya look new. All dressed up for your first day... we all make that mistake."

She handed me a bag with clothes in it. Are. You. Serious. There are uniforms!? YES! I won't have to worry about what to wear in the morning. I was liking this job already. "I'm Tiffani, by the way." I said.

The girl looked at me from head to toe as if inspecting me to see if I was worthy enough to know her name...

"I'm Monique." She said. "Been working here for 3 years, never gets boring." Monique had long black hair with light caramel eyes which were kind of intimidating. Her skin was darker than mine but clean and spotless. In other words, she was very pretty.

I went and got changed into my uniform. It was casual, just how I liked things. I put my hair up in a pony tail and walked back to the room.

I sat down and checked my phone. I had a message from Mason. He wanted to go out tonight with me after my shift. I wondered what he had planned for us tonight. He was never very creative with dates but he was fun to be with. I answered his text quickly and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

Monique popped her head through the door. "Costumers are starting to come in, time for some action!"

I smiled and started following behind her. I was ready to greet some costumers!

After a few hours of helping costumers and sitting in the back room bored... my first day was going pretty good. Surprisingly a lot of people liked my fashion advice. I was about to finish my shift when I felt a strong had land on my shoulder. I turned around a bit too quickly and we bumbed shoulders.

"I'm sorry." I said to the curly haired guy. I picked up his sun glasses that had fallen and handed them to him.

"It's okay." He said. I looked up and got a good luck at his face. He had the most gorgeous eyes and he was so fit. He had curly hair sticking out from his blue beanie and had an amazing smile. I straightened up and got my thoughts clear again. I hope I wasn't blushing... he smiled almost like he was reading my thoughts. Yep. I was blushing.

"C-Can I help you with anything?" I asked him.

He had a cheeky smile, for some reason he seemed familiar but I couldn't tell where I'd seen him.

"Yes actually. See I have a sister who's about your size and her birthday is coming up soon. Would you mind trying on a few things to see if they would fit or not?"

Umm... this was rather new. Could I actually try on things for a costumer? I wasn't a model but I guess I had to because as Jenny said "if a costumer comes in and asks you for anything, you help them."

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now