𝟏𝟏𝟔. 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐝𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬

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"Elle hows Katie?" Harry asked from across the table,
"Lauren told me she was doing ok, she hasn't woken up yet though" Elle sighed "I'm sure it won't be long until she does".
Turns out the cursed necklace had been meant for Dumbledore according to Katie's new friend Leanne however there was still no idea as to who sent it.

"Dinner was amazing as always Molly" Remus smiled politely, the woman got up to do the washing up but Arthur shook his head,
"I'll do it Molly, you made dinner after all" he smiled, this lasted for a few minutes before Molly jumped up claiming she wanted to help.

She was standing by the sink washing one of the plates when she gasped loudly causing everyone to turn their heads towards her.
"I don't believe it"
"What?" Fred frowned,
"It's Percy"

Everyone looked around in confusion. Percy had basically been an exile from the Weasley family for a year and a half since he made his allegiance with the ministry.
Since then he'd had no contact with his parents or any of his siblings. The last time Elle had seen him was when Dumbledore had left Hogwarts.

The twins and Ginny definitely didn't look happy at the prospect of their brother showing up randomly during Christmas however the tension thickened as Arthur pointed out Percy was not alone,
"He's brought the minister for magic with him"

The door opened and the two figures stepped in. Percy was taller than ever with curly ginger hair and glasses perched on the end of his nose.
The minister was shorter than the Weasley with a mane of dark hair and very prominent features.
"Minister what a ... surprise" Arthur smiled warily.

"Percy!" Molly sprang towards her third son and hugged him tightly. He didn't seem too pleased about this.
"We were working in the office and Percy was itent on coming down to see his family,
"Oh Perc" Molly cooed,
"While you catch up I guess I'll take a look round the garden, I would hate to intrude on your Christmas but Percy was so keen on coming to see his family"

Percy definitely didn't look keen on coming to see his family, Elle wasn't convinced. It seemed neither were the twins as both of them were scowling at their brother.
There must be another reason why the minister for magic had decided to rock up at the burrow.

"I might need some company though, this boys finished why don't you give me a tour" he beckoned to Harry.
Elle founded it completely unconvincing that the minister didn't know who Harry was however it seemed Elle had figured out why he was here after all.
Harry shrugged and stood up. Arthur gave him a warning look.

"It's fine" Harry assures Mr Weasley, as they began to leave Remus began to rise from his chair,
"Fine" Harry reiterated as Elle's uncle resumed his seat.
"Sit down Percy, sit down" Molly beamed "I don't have much food left-"
"That's alright mother I've already eaten" Percy grimaced.

The tension inside of the burrow was rising rapidly as everyone looked around at each other awkwardly,
"Have you had a nice Christmas?" He asked stiffly showing no signs of caring,
"Yes even better now you're here" Molly gushed,
"Save it mum" Fred interrupted "we all know that Percy doesn't want to be here"

"But the minister said-" Molly began,
"The minister obviously wanted to have a private word with Harry" George rolled his eyes,
Molly looked completely crest fallen and Elle felt guilt rise in her chest for the woman. She could tell Molly had missed her son a lot, after all she cried almost every time his name was mentioned these days.

"You wanted to come though, didn't you Percy" Molly edged,
"The minister suggested it would be a good idea if-"
"Oh shut up you git" Ginny snapped,
"Ginny" Molly gasped but no one else stopped the Weasley daughter.

"The minister suggested" Ginny continued in a fake imitation of her brother "we all know that you'd do anything the minister told you to do"
Silence fell again, it seemed Percy had no way to reply to this for a moment.
"The ministry-" He was interrupted by a handful of mashed potato that hit his face with a large squelch.

Elle turned to see that it had been Fred who had thrown it. Percy took off his glasses slowly while glaring at his siblings,
"And you wonder why I tried to cut ties with this family, if the minister saw how childish you were-" Splat.
He was hit again by Ginny this time who had thrown some mashed parsnip.
"Oh do stop it" Molly whined as George joined in gleefully. "We're family"

Percy rose from his seat in anger,
"You are no family of mine" Percy yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at him. At this exact moment Harry and the minister walked back into the room. Harry looked furious and the minster didn't look too happy either.
"Right better be off" he announced. Followed shortly by Percy who was still furious, they made their way out of the door without bothering to say goodbye.


𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 // George Weasley Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя