Bada** Sally!!!

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In a blink of an eye, all the tremors stopped. Perci had her sword against Zeus's throat. "How dare you! Is it not enough what I did for you guys? Why do you still need to butt into my life? Do I not even have the freedom to marry someone I love?" Perci spoke in a whisper. Even if it is low, everyone could hear it clearly. Zeus was paralyzed in fear and couldn't utter a single word, his eyes still on Riptide at his neck. Even in her anger, she remembered her promise to her father. She sighed removing the sword and faintly whispered "don't follow me". Uttering those words she disappeared into sea mist. It was the ability she discovered after the war while practicing. It was by a complete accident that she discovered this power and nobody knows about it yet. 

Chaos erupted in the throne room when she disappeared.  'How did she disappear?' was their question. The seven were freaking out and shouting at the Gods about kidnapping her again. In midst of all this, Athena noticed Poseidon looking at the spot Perci disappeared from with a shocked expression on his face. "Do you know how she disappeared Poseidon?" Athena asked. At her question, Poseidon snapped out of his shock looking at all of them present and said "That is called vapor travelling. You make your body into vapor and using humidity in the air, you move to the place you want. It happens in seconds so it looks like you disappear and reappear. It can only be done by powerful creatures of the sea who are immortal. Until now, only Amphitrite, Triton and I can do it...., well and now it appears Perci can as well. None of my children were able to do this in centuries. Actually, this power doesn't go to my children at all. It seems Perci is like me in more ways than I had imagined. I know she is born from both my Greek and Roman forms and is very powerful  but now I think she has all of my powers". 

Everyone present gasped at Poseidon's words. Thor was stunned. 'How powerful is she?.' At that moment Poseidon heard a whisper summoning him. "I think I know where Perci is. Let me get her" he said and disappeared the same way Perci did. The throne room fell silent as everyone were indulged in their own thoughts waiting for father and daughter pair.

Perci POV

I appeared in the living room of my mother's apartment. As if sensing my arrival, my mom Sally, quickly came to the living room. "Perci!" she hugged me tight. "Today is the day they gave the rewards right? why are you so early?" Holding me at her arms length she quickly scanned me from head to toe. Sensing depressing aura around me, she asked "Did something happen?". "Umm... Mom... I... uh.. I am...." deciding against beating around the bush, "Mom..! Zeus is using me as a peace brokerage between the Greco-Romans and the Norse" as I said the words, I could finally understand the weight of the them as I sat down trying to hold back tears. "What?? How can he do this? What about your father? What did he say? Didn't he stop him?" she asked enraged "How dare they? Poseidon!" she shouted summoning him. 

Dad appeared beside us. Wasting no time, mom lunged at him pulling his ear and twisting it. "How dare you? How could you do this to her? She is our daughter, not an object for you to barter as you wish". Dad winced trying to make my mom let go of his ear "I know! It is not my proposal. I tried to change his decision, tried to reason with him. But he wouldn't listen. And then the Fates came down and said that she has to marry him as it has been foreseen by their mother Ananke. Its not even in their hands. I am sorry but I can do nothing here. It is still Perci's decision and I will support her for what ever she decides." Mom looked at him for a second before sighing and releasing his ear from her grip. 

I tried rubbing my tears off my face before standing up as they turned to look at me. "One day I am goin to give a tight slap to the Fate's faces. They love to mess with my life." I held my hands over my face "Even if I say no now, it will always come back to me some other way. Nothing can escape destiny. Come on Dad! let's go before the seven decide that drama queen is not worth it and give him a piece of their minds." I hug my mom before turning to dad silently asking him to take us there. "Stay safe Sally" dad said as we disappeared from my mom's sight.


Yeah.... I did take a long time to update... and even then the chapter is pretty shitty! right? I know I know.. All the writing excitement just flew away... If possible someone help me reconstruct the sentence and the Grammar too since it is really bad. I also didn't proof-read this chapter. Please forgive for the mistakes.

Germany is a beautiful place. Shame, I couldn't explore much due to Corona. How are you guys? I think everyone is feeling frustrated give the situation. I have been attending online classes and having to complete all the assignments they are giving is taking a hell lot out of me. 

This chapter is dedicated to all the people who are waiting for it and believing in me.

Constructive criticism appreciated. 

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Will update soon. Stay safe guys!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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