Summer Solstice (Part 3)

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"Persephone Jackson" Poseidon called out. A hush appeared in the hall. Perci walked to the middle of the throne room. "You have led us to the war very bravely. For your courage we have decided to once again offer you Godhood. Please accept it Perci." Poseidon all but begged. 
"No" Perci said "You know I will not accept immortality. Why do you ask again." Everyone except those present in the last war gasped. 'Once again? she turned down Godhood before? Who would do that' was what was going on in their minds. The Norse looked at her in surprise. 'No wonder she turned down immortality. She is far too loyal for her own good' they thought. 

Zeus sighed. "We know. We just hoped you would accept it at least now, since your friends have become immortal as well. Since you declined immortality. We will fulfill your wishes if any and which are in our power." "How? like you fulfilled my last war's wishes?" Perci asked looking at her nails. The Romans gasped. 'How could she talk to the gods like that? She has a death wish.' The Greeks looked as if it was normal. The Norse tried to stifle their laughs at the faces of the Greek Gods. 'Someone needs to knock them down a peg or two.' Zeus turned red with anger "How dare you? As you asked we have claimed our children before they turn 13, You have already built the cabins to all the other Gods and Goddesses. We have promised you for a few wishes and now you accuse us?"

Perci growled in anger. "Yes, you did a small part of the wish and what about the other part? You swore on Styx that you will release the peaceful titans., all of them. Then why do I get to know that Calypso is still in Ogygia? Why is Leto still in Delos? what about Themis? Metis? Thea? Phoebe? Mnemosyne? Forget about them.. What about you mother Rhea? Did you release her? How did I accuse you when you didn't even try to keep your promises. You swear on Styx, you break them, who would bear the consequences? You? No, It's your demigod children who bear them. Take Thalia for example. You break the vow you made, who is being punished? it's her! So no.. don't tell me I accuse you. You do it right now or I will call Lady Styx here. She told me she would help me whenever I ask of her. Let's see what she says about your breaking of vows." Perci said her voice raising with each sentence.

The throne room was silent. The Romans looked like they are about to have a stroke.  They never had, nor will they ever have the courage to talk to Gods like that. The Gods have never expected a demigod to show them their place. Maybe knock them down a bit. The Olympians have at least the decency to look ashamed. Zeus grumbled about powerful demigods blackmailing them (ignoring the snickers caused by his grumbling) before asking Hephaestus to get Calypso from her island. He lifted the ban on Leto. She no longer needs to be confined to Delos and the twins are free to visit her and tell her the good news. Zeus asked Hades to let the other peaceful Titans and their former allies free from their prison explaining the reason to them. When Hephaestus returned with Calypso, Leo had tears in his eyes. Calypso looked around the throne room spotting Perci and Leo. She walked towards Perci giving her a tight hug "Thank you Perci" she said before releasing her and running towards Leo who hugged and pulled her into a sweet kiss.

"Now that all is done, you can ask us anything which is within our power" Zeus said. He still has something to do with Perci and he knows making her angry now will only result in the failure of his plan. Not that he doesn't know, she will be angry once he asks her about it. "Swear on Sytx you will complete my wishes at the earliest possible time. If it can be done now, it should be done now. Swear it." Perci said looking directly at Zeus. He sighed and said "In the name of the council, I swear on Styx that we will fulfill Persephone Jackson's wishes at the earliest possible time." Poseidon smiled at Perci to encourage her to ask what she wants.  Everyone eagerly waiting to know what she wants. 

Perci took a deep breath "I want Lord Hades and Lady Hestia to be reinstated into the Olympian Council. They are the eldest and honestly the most powerful out of all of you." At this, Hades and Hestia smiled while Zeus scowled. He snapped his fingers and two thrones erupted in the throne room changing the order of the original thrones a bit. Hades smiled at Perci and sat down in his new throne instead of the guest one. Hestia smiled but still tended to the hearth. "I want the ancient laws about not spending time with your kids be removed. I know it's necessary that the rule about not showing favoritism is important, but you guys are mis-interpreting it to not care about your kids at all. And the last one, I want my family safe from the demigod world. Even if all my friends and I visit, they should not have any problems. That's all." Perci said. "That's all? Okey, we will do as you wish. We will spend time with our children however, we cannot show any favoritism. But we have something for you, and you cannot object. Considering that you have rejected immortality, we wish to bless you. As in anyone who wants to bless you can do it. You will be known as the Champion of Olympus and a Princess." Percy scrunched her nose at that. "Okey, looks like I have no choice. Hit me up." Apollo and Hermes laughed at her choice of words. The Olympians along with the newly reinstated ones stood up and chanted in Greek. Light engulfed Perci making her float in the air. After the light died down, everyone stared at her making her look awkward. 

"Stop staring! It's awkward..!! Now what did you guys give me?" Perci questioned the gods.  Everyone laughed at her words. 

(since I am lazy I will just list them out.)

Zeus - Same powers as Jason and Thalia (obviously that means she can be in his domain without getting shot down.)

Hera - Mind powers, Mind control.

Poseidon - Increase in powers, Shape-shifting (like Frank), power over Ice and steam (meaning can boil/cool water etc) Princess of the Oceans.

Hades - Same powers as Nico and Hazel. Can visit underworld to any time (He could bend the rules a little for the savior of Olympus.

Athena - Battle strategy, can get out of difficult situations by thinking, removes Dyslexia.

Apollo - Can heal others (medical skills) , Music(vocal as well as instrumental.) Since she can already sing well like the sirens, Apollo's blessing makes it much stronger. 

Artemis - Same blessing as her hunters. Can communicate with animals.

Aphrodite - Charm-speak, Can change her features and attire with a snap of her fingers.

Demeter -  Power over plants.

Ares - Removes her curse, can use any weapon.

Dionysus - Can cause or cure insanity, Can only get drunk when she wants.

Hermes - Faster, can Lie well, trickery and pranks and can steal anything without getting caught, can use technology without attracting monsters.

Hephaestus - Same as Leo, can forge anything, can understand technology and mechanisms.

Hestia - Can find and provide home to anyone. Can make/snap home cooked meals.

After the Olympian council blessed Perci, Hecate blessed her with the  Power over Night, Sorcery, Ghosts and poisonous plants/herbs, Hebe blesses her with youthful appearance, Morpheus blessed her with peaceful dreams. 

"Now that the award ceremony is done, we have important matters to discuss. You all have seen that we have the Norse deities in our midst, the reason for us to invite them is to make peace with them." Zeus said.

Taking a deep breath, "Odin and I, have decided that this alliance between both the pantheons will be sealed with the marriage of Thor Odinson - God of thunder, lightning, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, protector of mankind and our very own Persephone Jackson - daughter of Poseidon, Princess, Champion and Heroine of Olympus, Slayer of Kronos and Gaea and Bane of all monsters" announced Zeus.


Silence was all one can hear in the throne room of Olympus. Suddenly the floor of the throne room shook violently. Everyone scrambled to hold on to something. "Poseidon! calm down!! you are causing an earthquake" shouted Athena. "I am not the one causing this" replied Poseidon. Even he was having trouble standing. The Norse were trying to stand without falling down thinking who is powerful enough to cause this other than Poseidon. 

Perci was the only one standing unaffected by all the ruckus, eyes glowing and swirling with power.


I may have missed some mistakes in spelling and grammar.

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Will update soon.

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