Under the Mask

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(Reds POV)
      I laid in my bed thinking about the life I have on the Skeld. To be honest I really do love I here, everyone is kind and I've grown into everyone. I know eventually they will all find out that I am the impostor. Mostly because I never eat any food in the ship, as I cant eat any human food yet without it coming right back up. If I start to eat human food little by little my body could start to tolerate it. Blue hung down from the top bunk he reminded me of a teenager, but he was smart non the less. Blue had his helmet off and  dangling from the top bunk. He usually did this while we chatted at night. I never started up any conversations only he did. Blue had hair that swooped to the side, it was different then mine which was more curly.
      "Hey Red.. what DO you look like?" I froze up when Blue said that. I hadn't told or shown anyone what I looked like since I got to the Skeld.There was no reason to because about a month again I though everyone here was gonna die. I didnt know what to say, as I did have a face.
      "Well..I. uh" I had to idea what to say so my words came out at random.
      "Just take off your helmet and show me if ya cant tell me." Blue gestured to my helmet and I decided that it couldnt hurt to take it off for once. I took it off and ruffled the hair on my head. Its been a while since this helmet has been off my face and it did feel nice to not have on.
      "Wow your hair is super red.. Red." Blue said he looked like he was interested in the color if my hair, as it was an unnatural red color.
      "Heh yeah, I was just born with it I guess." I said trying not to raise to much suspicion about it.
      "And what about your ey- you know what nevermind.. Goodnight Red." Blues head disappeared as he swung back onto the top bunk. I felt happy knowing that we were friends. There was no way I was killing him or the others with the relationship I had with them. I laid down in my bed keeping my helmet off for the night, as it did feel nice to have it off.
      I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door and saw that Blue was already out of bed. He opened the door and Pink was at the enterance. Why was she here? Shit.. she is gonna see me without my helmet.

(Pinks POV)
      I knocked on the door and waited for someone to come open it. I had already finished my tasks because I couldnt sleep last night, so I finished my tasks. Blue opened the door and I turned my attention towards him. He still looked sleepy and I didnt blame him I probably just woke him up.
      "Sorry to disturb you but I just wanted to ask if I could have some extra tasks for today." Blue yawned and scratched his head.
      "Why..?" He said obviously still out of it.
      "Well uh.. I already finished my tasks and I just wanted more so I had something to do for today." I tried to sound as direct as possible so I could get through to the tired Blue.
      "Yeah of course, come in here and I'll see what tasks I got." I stepped inside the room and Blue went to his pad. He started looking through the tasks and I looked around the room. Red was in his bed with.. his helmet off? It kinda surprised me to say the least I've never seen him with his helmet off. He had unnaturally red hair and dark red eyes. I felt my face go hot at the sight of him, but it was the same Red why am I so flustered right now. Red seemed uncomfortable in a way. He was backed up in his bed, so that his back was against the wall. He also seemed just shocked that I was there. Blue came right up next to my and handed me his pad.
      "Here you can choose a few tasks from here to transfer to your tablet." He seemed more awake now and I picked a few of the longer tasks. I heard a faint growling sound and Red was looking at Blue weird like he was angry or something. Was he mad at him or was it something else? My tablet beeped and I picked it up. There were new tasks on the tablet and I felt glad that I had something to do. I heard a bed rustle and I saw that Red was getting up from his bed. He picked up his helmet and put it back on. He looked at me for a second and then left the room. I decided to follow him so I waved goodbye to Blue and ran after him. I caught up and began walking beside him.
      "I've never seen you without your helmet.. you looked... nice." I said
Red turned his head away... did I offend him or something.
      "Ha... yeah." Red walked just a bit slower and it confused me. Just then I felt a huge weight on my back and I fell forward. Black had jumped on me and was now on top of me.
      "What are ya up to Pink!" Black said, she was so awake it seemed like it was the middle of the day. She got off of me and laughed. I was out if breath from the fall but rolled over onto my back. Black grabbed my hand and helped me up. I looked over at Red who was giving Black that same glare I saw him give Blue. How strange, maybe that's just how he looks at people and I've just never noticed.
      "You two are always together it's like your close." Black said
      "Well yeah we are friends... dont friends hangout." I felt happy that Red called me a friend, but something deep down wanted him to say that we were more. I never acknowledged it except right at this moment because I thought that it was just a random feeling, but maybe it wasn't. I wanted to get closer to Red, and become more than just friends.

(A/N: Have a shorter chapter because I ran out of ideas)

Impostorable Love (Among us Fanfic) (Impostor x Crewmate)Where stories live. Discover now