In public, he was an utter prat, using his newfound position to make others miserable.

The only thing bringing light to the castle was the Weasley Twins.

Just the other day, they had released fireworks inside the castle, making Umbridge loose her head.

"Ms. Evans, Mr. Thorton,"

Lucy's stomach dropped, she immediately took a step away from Sawyer and closer to Ginny.

"Good evening, Professor," Sawyer said with a forced smile.

"Headmistress, Mr. Thorton, Good evening Headmistress." She corrected.

"Good evening Headmistress," Sawyer's muscles clenched.

"Now, you two are familiar with Educational Decree number Thirty-One?" Umbridge flashed a dangerously grin, "correct?"

"Yes, Headmistress," Lucy gritted her teeth.

"Can you recite it for me?" Umbridge was throughly enjoying the student's pain.

"Members of the opposing sex..." Sawyer started.

"No, no, that won't do," Umbridge giggled, "I want you both to recite it to me."

"Members of the opposing sex are not permitted within eight inches of each other."

"So tell me," Umbridge said, "how many inches apart were the two of you just now?"

"Professor..." Ginny tried to protest.

"Headmistress, Ms. Weasley, and I'm afraid this does not pertain to you, I believe a package for you just passed through inspection, why don't you run along and retrieve"

Ginny shot Lucy and Sawyer a regretful look before heading down the corridor.

"Now, I think a weeks detention will do?" Umbridge smirked.

"Is that really necessary?" Sawyer asked, "we were just walking."

"Your arm was around Ms. Evans," Umbridge explained sweetly, "that is an inappropriate display for a school environment, therefore punishments are given as they are due."

"With all due respect..." Sawyer's started sharply, Lucy shot him a warning look, cutting him off.

"Let's say 5 o'clock? Starting tomorrow?" Umbridge said.

"I do think you're forgetting something, Headmistress," Lucy said, "you can't hold detentions."

Umbridge's smiled faded, "very well, you'll be serving your detentions with Professor Snape."

Triumphantly, she turned and walked away.

Lucy couldn't help but laugh once she disappeared from view.

"Professor Snape?" Sawyer groaned, "at least it's not her."

"Don't worry about it," Lucy snorted, "as long as it's not with Umbridge."

Lucille Rose Potter Where stories live. Discover now