Chapter 29

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Luckily for Clem, Mako wasn't moving too fast considering he was carrying Kade, who was around the same weight as Clem, had a lot more height to consider, which was just a little more room handle.

Clem knew they really shouldn't be jostling Kade around too much considering he had some sort of injury guessing from the blood that was stuck to part of his head.

"How long do you think he'll be out of it?" Mako asked, shifting his arm that was underneath Kade's knees for a second.

Clem had been staring at the ever growing pool of lava that was seemingly driving all the tributes up the sides of the pyramid walls, leading to whatever awaited them at top, but now he snapped back into the present.
"Not long, what's odd is, I had programmed the shock to be a temporary blackout, like it had been on Peace. What's understandable for Kade's delayed awakening is the fact of his condition before he was shocked. What doesn't make sense is why Verena took so long to wake up, well assuming she's up now that is. She would've had to have a recent exposure to some other electrical involved injury for it to do much damage." Clem began to ramble, though as normal, wasn't being as observant of his surroundings as he was being focused on Verena's puzzling symptoms.

"But Verena had been electrocuted before." Mako said, recalling about when they had been stuck with the electric eel, which had buzzed Verena, Indigo, and Zale.
"We were trying to get our weapons but there was an electric eel in the way, but I only recognized the markings and got out of the water so I wasn't hit that bad, it was just a little tingle in the air because I was still wet. But Verena, Indigo, and Zale had been fully emerged and were all hit pretty bad."

Clem winced, he had taken great care to make sure that the electric shock from the mines wouldn't kill them, and just put them into shock, but he hadn't taken into account that any of them had been exposed to an electrical outlet of any sorts. Though in his defense, it's not like there were any threats that he had encountered that would have reminded him to consider this factor.

Even if it was an accident, had Clem been the one to kill Verena, considering he was the one who rewired the pressure plates from contact proximity release to all around motion proximity release, and made it an electrical shock, even if he didn't push the button, it would still be his fault. And that's why he had a pang of guilt lacing through him regardless of the fact that she wouldn't even hesitate to take his life should she be given the chance.

Not that he would blame her for doing so, they are in the Hunger Games after all.

Realizing Clem had gone silent, Mako stopped walking and turned around to face him, which made Clem have to stop walking as well, given the fact he had been trailing behind the boy.

"Hey look, we didn't have a choice okay? And it wasn't your fault you didn't know she had already been electrocuted. Besides, it was me who pushed the button, not you, so if it really was her who died, then that's my problem." Mako insisted, moving slightly so Kade's head wasn't dangling in the air so much, and so it was propped against Mako's side.

It had been a couple hours since they had begun to walk, and the silence in terms of canons had been slightly disturbing to Clem.

So three people had died back to back, and they knew one had been Aaron, but not who the other two were, other than they suspected Verena.
Which could be a good thing considering she was a formidable opponent in terms of strength. And given the fact she came from district three, then that probably meant she was a lot smarter than she initially lets off, or let's people know of.

"We should probably camp for now, so we don't move Kade around too much." Clem murmured, not wanting to continue the conversation from a couple seconds ago because he knew that no matter how much Mako tried to convince him otherwise, Clem would still feel the guilt rising in his stomach when Verena's possible death was the topic at hand.

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