"Oh, fuck off." Richie giggled tiredly."Fine, i'f chose you, but only because you're being such a baby about it."

"Aw, thanks" Stan chuckled, pinching Richies check and completely ignoring the fact that Richie just insulted him.

Richie smacked his hand away and they both laid back down properly, both staring up at the ceiling.

"You wanna just call off the bet, I think i'm getting eye strain from being awake this long." Richie yawned.

"I thought you could only get eye strain from reading- or like— The TV."

"Theres a lot of things you don't know, Staniella."

"Fuck you."

"Love you too."


Richie woke up at around 6pm, much to Maggies dismay, but she didn't say too much about it.

Stan had left at some time after 4pm. He woke Richie up to tell him he was leaving, but he doubted he was actually listening.

Both of Richies parents were out, his dad was working and his mom was over at a friends house to babysit their kids.

He was currently in the kitchen, microwaving some leftover pasta from the fridge, when he heard a rapid pounding at the door.

"Eddie." He muttered, before dragging himself towards the front door and opening it.

Just as he'd imagined, Eddie was standing at the front door, emphasis on was. The shorter boy had barged right past him, practically bouncing on his feet with a nervous smile.

"Come in." Richie chuckled, closing the door.

"I went on a date." Eddie blurted, beaming.

"Really?!" Richie gasped a little. "Looks like pussy boy finally grew a pair! woohoo!" He laughed.

Eddie kicked Richie in the leg, rolling his eyes.

"So, who'd you wine and dine? Was it Bil—"

He smacked a hand over Richies mouth, shushing him. "Are your parents home?" He asked, making a noise of disgust when Richie licked the palm of his hand, and wiping his hand on his shirt.

"No sir." Richie laughed.

Eddies face broke out into a wide grin again, Richie covering his ears as the shorter boy began squealing at a frequency only dogs could hear (metaphorically, of course), jumping up and down in excitement.

"I went on a date with Bill! Oh my god this is the best day ever!"

Richie smiled almost as wide as Eddie and pulled the boy into a quick side hug. "Ah, i'm so happy for you! But, quick question,"


"Does Bill know it was a date?" Richie laughed.

Eddie smacked his arm. "Of course he does, asshole!"

"Well, tell me about it!" Richie spoke in an excited tone, though a tiny bit jealous Eddie got a date with a boy and he wasn't even out yet! Hell, Eddie was so far in the closet there was a good chance he was besties with Aslan.

"—I held his hand, Richie! Yeah, it was at the back of a half empty theatre, but still- I. Held. His. Hannnnd! In a totally non platonic way! ..i think- aaanyway, after the movie ended, we got ice cream—"

"You still fan-girling over the fact that he remembers your ice cream order?" Richie joked, laughing.

"Shut up!" Eddie rolled his eyes, blushing just a tiny bit.

"Its not that hard to remember! Your so basic when it comes to food."

"i am not!"

"Tell that to your vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles." Richie laughed and Eddie smacked his arm again. "Stop beating me!"

They both sat in the kitchen quietly for a few moments, Richie loudly chewing his food, causing Eddie to internally gag.

"He kissed me!" Eddie blurted, breaking the silence. His face twisted into a look of panic when Richie began choking on a piece of pasta. "Jesus fuck, Richie!" He muttered, smacking Richies back to stop him from choking.

"Im fine! Im fine!" Richie coughed, gulping down some water before turning back to Eddie. "He fucking what?"

"Well, it was on the cheek, but still!" Eddie beamed.

"Woohoo! Get some Eds!" He laughed, Eddie rolling his eyes, but unable to hide his smile— or his blush for that matter. "I told you he liked you! But you never fucking listen, do ya?"

"Oh, shut up. Its not as if you listen either, you're still head over heels for Stan, and you've did nothing about it!"

That wiped Richies smile off of his face. He stood up and emptied the rest of his food into the bin before tossing the plate and fork in the sink. "Difference being," He began, turning back to Eddie and swallowing the pasta that he had barely chewed. "Stan doesn't like me, and— I told you! Im over him!"

"No you aren't."

"I am!"


"I swear! I am!" Richie sighed.

"You're not a very good liar, Rich."

"Fuck off."

Eddie shrugged, smiling. "I was planning on it, my mom wants me home a half hour early, God knows why." He said, beginning to walk towards the front door.

"Tell her I said hi, also that i'll be over later.. for some fun." Richie winked.

Eddie flipped him off without looking at him, and opened the front door.

"That means i'm gonna bang her!" Richie explained, cupping his hands around his mouth.

"Fuck y-" Eddie had cut himself off by slamming the door behind him, leaving Richie in the kitchen, laughing at his own joke.

"Never gets old." He laughed, shaking his head.



lets pray this is almost over 💔

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