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filler chap !! (nawt rlly its as long as the others but its quite useless)

i haven't written in a (few)week(s?)  sorry lol my mental state is horrible rn🤠✨


Stan and Richie spent the whole night awake,  they'd made a bet that the last one to fall asleep owed the other $20, and as both of them were as stubborn as each other, it was, in hindsight, most likely a bad idea.

They'd watched movies in the living room most of the night, retreating back to Richies room at around 4am when Wentworth had came downstairs to tell them to get to bed.

Then they'd 'quietly' talked about the most random shit until the sun came up, being sleep deprived enough to tell each other embarrassing stories and such.

It was around 9am before they actually got any sleep.

"You'd kiss Freddie Krueger?" Richie cackled, his words sounding like more of a croak from exhaustion.

"You're not giving me much of a choice here! But, yeah! Out of Eddies mom and Henry fucking Bowers, Freddie looks like a model!"

Richie cackled harder at Stans reply. "Thats not very hetero of you, Staniel." He giggled.

"Well thats the whole point, isn't it?" Stan laughed sleepily.

Richie hummed in agreement before furrowing his eyebrows and turning his head to look at Stan, who was staring up at the pride flag on the ceiling. "What?"

"Hm?" Stan hummed, turning his head like Richie and blinking over at him with lidded eyes.

"Nothing." Richie shrugged hesitantly.

"Hey, if you could spend your whole life only hanging out with one person, who would you pick to hang with?" The brunette asked.

"Ummm.." He thought for a moment. "Like a soulmate?"

"Sure, Why not."

"Platonically or romantically?"

"Both, I guess." Stan shrugged sleepily.

"Huh.. i'm not sure.." Richie replied slowly. "What about you?"

Stan turned his body fully onto his side, completely facing Richie with his head propped up against his hand. "You, idiot."

"Me?" Richie chuckled, blushing only a little. "Why me?"

"Why not?" Stan replied smartly.

"Touché." Richie laughed again, shrugging with a yawn. "I'd probably chose Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Wow, thanks." Stan rolled his eyes, pretending to be offended.

"Can you really blame me? He's hot!"

"What, and i'm not?" He joked.

"No, don't you dare back me into a corner with this one!"

"Wow, a man does a few movies and suddenly your best friend is all over him, leaving you for dead. How nice." Stan feigned annoyance, rolling his eyes again.

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