I smiled and opened his files, hovering the mouse over Chase and Ariel's folder until I saw my last name right below it. I looked up from the computer making sure no one was around and I clicked it twice, opening it seeing the long paragraph pop up.

I scrunch my eyebrows reading the beginning realizing that my mother and father's name were included. I continued and it says that my family was involved with the mafia before they died, they had borrowed money from Gabriel's father many times until one day they couldn't give him the money back. The day when they were going to take me back to Dominican Republic was really them trying to send me away because Gabriel's dad's men had threatened them. The real cause of their death was ruled as an accident when my father swerved into another lane killing him and my mom and injuring me.

I closed the file quickly, turning off the computer. I stood up from the chair and felt my back hit the cold windows. I rubbed my eyes quickly and covered my face hearing the door open. I looked through my blurry vision seeing Gabriel placing down the Subway sandwiches on the chair in front of his desk. He tried coming closer but I held my arms out telling him not to which made him look at me weirdly.

"What's wrong?" He asked his voice coming out rough.

"Nothing I got a eyelash in my eye... I'm really tired so I'm going back to the house, thank you for the sandwich" He walked closer and I walked around him but was pulled back by my arm quickly. I yanked my arm from his roughly not meaning too but I got angry and pushed him back seeing the hurt in his eyes.

"Don't come near me!... I'm exhausted and I want to go home Gabriel, I'm sorry" I felt my heart sink and he looked at me worriedly. I quickly grabbed my coat, sandwich and walked out the office. While going down the building stairs in a hurry I took my phone out my pocket and called my brother.

Since they have been sneaky behind my back before, I'm sure Dalvin knew something about this, the file I found on the computer.

"Hello?" He said clueless.

"Did you know that our parents death was really an accident? And that they were borrowing money from the mafia? Specifically from Gabriel's father?" I whispered the last part as I stormed out the building and outside quickly catching a cab, I got in telling him the address and he quickly drives off.

"Gaby..." I could feel the guiltiness from his voice and clenched my fist breathing in and out controlling my tears so I won't cry in front of the driver.

"You know what, you and Gabriel are both sneaky assholes!... since when do you keep secrets with my fucking fiancé. Didn't you learn from last time!" I said angrily, hanging up the phone, not giving him a chance to speak. I looked up quickly at the ceiling hoping the tears wouldn't ruin my mascara since it's a bitch to wash off. But it was too late the heavy tears ran down my face and I covered my mouth letting out the quiet sob.


I reached the house and ran upstairs to our room. I struggled taking off the coat since it was hot inside and I was already sweating. I finally got it off and threw it on the sofa, I ran upstairs into our closet and grabbed one of my suitcases and went back into the room, throwing it back on the bed. I sighed sniffling through my tears and started grabbing things I needed and threw them inside the suitcase.

He made a promise to not keep secrets from me, and still decided to keep it from me. Especially something this fucking huge, the only person who knew was my brother which fucking hurt.

I stomped inside our closet grabbing a handful of random clothes and going back in the room. Once I realized I grabbed enough clothes I kneeled against the bed trying to close it. I jumped when I heard the door slam downstairs making me jump, I looked behind me and quickly moved the heavy suitcase off the bed while listening to the heavy footsteps coming closer. I looked around for my coat but realized I left it downstairs along with my phone. I sighed reaching to open the door and their stood Gabriel in front of me breathing heavily.

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