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Denki rushed off with the pendant, Toga chasing him. "GIVE ME THAT BACK!" But he kept flying to make sure that she doesn't get it back. Shigaraki pushed her back "No! I need you to stay here where no one can see you". Denki had a hard time pulling the pendant out but right as he did he flew off. Shigaraki opened the door and couldn't see him. So he called his friends with a whistle and they come from the shadows of the people standing to watch the floats, not knowing what was happening right at their feet.

Shadows chased Denki as he passed the float that Kirishima was on. He saw him flying by. "Denki?" Then he saw Shadows fallowing him to the graveyard. So, he gave up his dream of playing with the guys. "Hey buddy, why did ya stop?" He growled and scared everyone to make sure that he had room to walk in so that he could help a friend in need.

Denki was flying and calling Bakugou. "BAKUGOU! Bakugou!" Bakugou stood up and was ready to shout at him in the mask of anger he was wearing, until he saw what was in his hands. "Bakugou! I have proof that what we saw, wasn't the reality of things!" Katsuki snatches it out of his hands and looked at it. "What is it?" "It's a voodoo Hayacall! The shadow man has been using it to-" he was cut off as he heard the howling of the shadows and they came closer. "Don't let him get it back! Run!"

He looked behind him and saw the tall silhouettes of the people down in the depths hell, smiling as they saw him. "I'll protect my friends no matter what!" And he lit up his source of light, the one thing that makes fireflies different, and stabbed the shadows making holes in their silhouettes. They screeched and howled in pain as he stabbed them 1,2,3 and more times. He laughed and he saw them run away. "Haha! Who's next!" And then he was kicked to the side. He got up and saw that it was the shadow man. He had found him.

He struggled to get back up to fly. Right when he saw the shadow of the shoe as it was about to step on him he said, "go Bakugou... save (Y/N)..." he looked at the bottoms of the shoe as it was coming closer. "At least, I protected them, one last time... it's been a fun journey, but my most important one has come to an end..." and with that, the curtains have closed on his show and he was no more.(T-T). The crushing of his endoskeleton was heard as he smooshed him with his shoe. Shigaraki looked around him to make sure no one saw him kill a firefly.

He walked away as Kirishima was coming in. "Denki! Denki!" And when he saw his friends corpses on the ground he began to tear up as he lifted him up. "Denki?. . ."

Katsuki was hopping as fast as he could so that he could get away from the shadows that were fallowing him. When he saw the shadow of the shadow man had appeared before him and startled Bakugou. He fell with the Hayacall still in his hands. Right when the shadow was going to get what it needed, Katsuki pulled it farther away and threaten to break it if he came any closer. "You come any closer and I'll break this!" In fear the shadow moved away. Shigaraki went into his jacket and found some powder to make some illusions.

He blew it as it made its way around Katsuki, turning him human once more in a White suit and tie with a red shirt underneath. It had a feather in the pocket of the jacket for his suit and looked at his hands. He felt his face and looked at his arms and saw that he was human again. (Been a while Huh buddy?)

The walls of the restaurant can up as well as people dining and laughing as they chatted. The restaurant looked exactly as he had imagined. With him in the middle of it all. He looked around and saw a chandelier hanging. He was confused as he looked around some more until he finally saw a girl with (H/C) and a white dress fiddling away at her violin as there was a a guy with spiked up red hair jamming away on his Banjo. He smiled and he said, "(Y/N)? Kirishima?" But when they turned around he was disillusioned as he saw that it wasn't their faces and it wasn't their skin tone. His smile fell and he looked the other way.

His thoughts were cut off as the voice of Shigiraki was heard saying, "isn't this a much better place than the Bayou as you hopelessly hop around in search of cure?" "You... your the Shadow man" he said with a menacing tone. He chuckled as he shoveled some taro cards. "Gotta hand it to you, Katsuki." He got angrier when he said his name without his permission. "When you dream, you dream big and luxurious." And the card that he's had since he was a little kid slid up out of the deck of Taro Cards so that he could see it. "Just look at this place! It's amazing! It's going to be the crowned Jewel of this retched City!"  Katsuki looked at His suspiciously.

"And all you have to do in order to make this a reality is hand over that talisman of mine." He put out his hand with a grin, waiting for Katsuki to hand over the Hayacall. With anger he shouted, "are you trying to manipulate me? Do you think I'm stupid? WELL DUMBASS LOOK AT WHOS THAT DUMBASS NOW!" "No no no... you are. I mean, look at everything you sacrificed." He made more illusions that where of Katsuki's memories. Memories of when Sero and Mina were nagging when he wouldn't join them to have fun. "Think of all
The naysayers who said that you couldn't do it" then memories of Dabi taunting him and the Hitachiin brothers saying no to his offer. He shook his head with his eyes closed. Try g his best to not fall into temptation.

"And don't forget your father now" said Shiagaraki as he opened up a window for Katsuki to see his father coming back home. Just like when he was young.

Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now