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"Hi there mister!" You said. "Hello there lady's," said Shigiraki. "Achanté, a Tip of a hat from Shigiraki. How are you doing this fine evening?" Greeted Shigiraki as he handed you a business card. "Tarot readings, charms, potions, dreams made real" you were reading from the card. "Ooh" "were I a betting man, and i'm not I stay away from all that stuff" "Princess!" "I'd bet that if be right in front of royalty" "Toga look! This guys read my palm!" Toga looked at his back pocket. "Or maybe he read this mornings news paper. Princess, this guy is a total fraud! Can we just leave and-" "don't you disrespect me woman!" That made Toga jump and you back up. "Don't you derogate or deride. Your in my world now, not your world. And I got friends on the other side" "he's got friends on the other side"

[Bold for lyrics normal for scenery and movement]

"That's just an echo" he lead in the building he does his voodoo. "Just a little thing we have in Louisiana just a parlor trick" sit down at my table the place the table was at lit up with just a snap of his fingers. Put your minds at ease Shigirakis shadow grabbed your hats and put them on skulls and voodoo dolls. If you relax it will enable me to do anything I please Toga grew suspicious of the place and looked behind her and on the wall. I can read your future. I can change around some to his shadow turned into a snake as he danced. It was as if they were two different identities. I look deep into your heart and soul he forcefully pushed you and Toga onto chairs at his table. You do have a soul don't you Miss? He danced on the table as he sang make your wildest dreams come true he stroke a pose and showed you and Toga some of his things I got voodoo I got hoodoo I got things I ain't even tried! And I got friends on the other side his shadow pushed his chair in for him. The Tiki masks on the curtains behind you echoed what he has said he's got friends on the other side he got out a deck of cards and did all sorts of tricks with him the cards, the cards, the cards will tell. The past, the present and the future as well. Three card laid down in front of the two of you the cards, The cards, just take three and so you did Take a trip into your future with me~ he spread them in front of you and Toga. Now you young lass are from across the sea. You come from two Long lines of of Royalty! He came up to you and showed you a stone hand with a royal ring on it. "I'm a royal myself from my mothers side. Your life styles high~ but your funds are low. You need to marry a young lad who's parents god dough. "Your mamma and poppa cut you off huh heartbreaker?" "Eh, sad but true" "now ya gotta get hitched but you think that ties you down. You wanna be a free gal and go from here to there. But that needs some green" you looked down at his cards. It's the green, it's the green, it's the green you need! And when I look into your future it's the green that I seen. He turns to Toga. Onto you young miss I don't want to waste much time! You've been pushed around all your life! You've been pushed around by your mother, your sister, and your brother! And if you get married, you'll be pushed around by your spouse. You laughed at her and she looked at you with a mean look on her. But I'm your future the you I see~ he picked up the card so that only she sees it. Is exactly the person you always wanted to be. Shake my hand. Come on, girls won't you shake a poor sinners hand? With anticipation, Toga shook his hand and you hesitated but soon didn't yes... and just like that! The room you were in turned into another dimension! Are ya ready?? Are you ready? Echoed the masks he has unveiled to you. Are you ready? The mouth of the one in the middle opened up and out came a pendant. Transformation central transformation central transformation central. Reformation central reformation central transmogrification central! You shouted in pain as he took blood from you. Can you feel it? Your changing, your changing, your changing alright I hope your satisfied but if you ain't. Don't you blame me! You can blame my friends on the other side! You got what ya wanted! But ya lost what ya had!

808 words TBC

Bakugou x Reader Princes and the Frog AUWhere stories live. Discover now