Chapter [2]: kalluto's infatuation

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Current Song: Dirty Night Clowns - Chris Garneau


She was no assassin, but Kalluto looked up to his older sister all the same. Maybe even more than Killua. He was often the most overlooked sibling, at least when it came to their parents. Killua was supposed to be the head of the family next, so most of the attention either went to him or their golden child, Illumi. This had always taken its toll on Kalluto because he truly felt as though he had no real purpose. He just existed, for the most part. It was a sad and pitiful, not to mention lonely, existence. However, she had always been there so that was the reason for his overwhelming emotions.

(Y/n) was the middle child, and due to her condition, she wasn't allowed to be an assassin, or even train herself, like the rest of her family. She had Idiopathic Hypersomnia, which made her rather... useless in the field of battle. She took no offense to this, in fact, she acknowledged it better than anyone in the family. However, due to this, most of her childhood was spent alone, save for the company of her mother. Of course, she was only a few years older than Killua, the four years was no real barrier, not when Killua thought she was close to being the only sane person in their family. He wasn't far off, but (Y/n) had encouraged him to get closer with Kalluto, and that had lead to several arguments between the two.

She was picking favorites, and while she knew this, (Y/n) didn't do this on purpose. It was technically how they were raised if she really took the time to think about it. Silva favored her and Killua out of all the siblings, and he made it clear, though it wasn't proper for a father to do so. Things in their family were just... different, and that was just the truth. Of course, (Y/n) often tried to get them to act normal, but that was a problem for a family of assassins, even (Y/n) knew that.

That was probably why she favored Killua and Kalluto so much. They were the most normal out of all her siblings. Illumi was someone (Y/n) only interacted with if it was absolutely necessary. It wasn't that she hated her older brother, not by any means, she loved him, but he was weird. Like, really weird. Whether it was his odd obsession with keeping tabs on her and Killua or his oddball friend, Hisoka, (Y/n) tried her best to just stay away. Of course, he always found a way to invade her space. It's not like she could just run away or anything. She was stuck on the family compound, and she hadn't left since the day she was born. That made it quite easy for Illumi, or anyone, to find her. Which couldn't have been good, she guessed.

She always had at least one of her siblings following behind her, though. More often it would be Kalluto or Alluka, but Kikyo would occasionally fester (Y/n) when she was growing bored. This happened more often after Killua ran off with his friend, Gon. Today, however, it was Kalluto. The two of them were in the garden in (Y/n)'s hammock. Due to her condition, afternoon and morning naps were common, so Silva had placed comfortable spots all over the family compound. It was mainly put in place because she ended up passing out in the kitchen after not being able to reach her bedroom in time, and that had gotten her a severe injury (she had fallen on a knife, literally). She wasn't asleep, instead, she was reading a book with Kalluto by her side. He was still young, so she often read to him. He liked it, and she knew he did.

Things had been so hectic since Killua had arrived home, but (Y/n) found it to be rather pleasant. She hadn't heard his voice in such a long time, so Killua being so loud didn't exactly bother her. Plus, it helped in keeping her awake, so it was useful.

Looking down, she notices that Kalluto has fallen asleep, his head resting on her stomach.

'I guess that's my cue to sleep, too, huh?'


It was unhealthy... probably. Killua watched from a distance as Kalluto and (Y/n) napped together, the afternoon sun reflecting on them as the hammock swayed slightly with the light breeze. Coming back home hadn't exactly been his idea. Gon and Kurapika had told him to do so, mainly due to them knowing (Y/n). They had met her when the three of them came to pick him up and had stopped Gotoh from absolutely wrecking them. That was mainly due to Killua telling her about them, and she was a good sister so she didn't need his friends to die or anything like that.

Either way, that wasn't the point. The point was that Kalluto was a little weirdo. Killua hadn't noticed it before, but he followed (Y/n) everywhere! It was really weird, or, Killua thought it was, anyway. He understood, though. (Y/n) was the only one who really paid Kalluto any attention, as sad as that sounded. Killua wasn't close with any of his siblings except for (Y/n) and Alluka. It had never occurred to him that he should pay attention to Kalluto due to how different they were. By that, he meant that Kalluto reminded him of Illumi, though he couldn't pinpoint why.

He felt kind of jealous, though. Kalluto was sleeping in the hammock with (Y/n), and that was something they used to do together. Killua felt a bitterness build up inside of him, his lips pursing tightly as he stood on the steps that connected the entry and exit of the garden. This really did suck, he thought. He was basically being replaced.

He didn't like that... at all.

since a lot of people in the fandom are still confused about this, I'd like to point it out. Alluka was born male, but due to Nanika possessing her, transitioned into a girl (making her a trans girl). Kalluto IS A BOY he just dresses very feminine

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