Chapter 6

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(A/N: the words in italics are either thoughts or speech that all characters can understand. Also, I don't own anything except the plot)

"What does those words mean and why are they written there?" Obito said while holding up the page of the manga he read earlier.

It was the page of his death and the words were something that you wrote some time ago when you finished that chapter. You were upset that he had died, even though at the time it seemed to be the only way. Later on, when you bought the last book of the series, you realized that it wasn't really the only way and that things could have been done different. So out of anger and spite and a little bit of vodka, you wrote on that page; He didn't have to die. He should have lived.

You felt better afterwards and would never regret writing in the manga even now. You just don't know why Obito is interested in what you did. You have a feeling that he must have used some kind of jutsu that allows you and him to communicate better, but you don't know how long it will last. Best to answer him then lest you get on his bad side.

"I wrote that a while ago, because I was mad and a little drunk."


"Because I didn't want you to die."

... (Obito is in shock because he didn't think he would ever hear that from somebody; especially somebody he doesn't know)

' hmmm he's not doing anything... I think I broke him. Damn it and I thought we we're getting along so well. Ah well, I'll just have to try something...'

"Shinigami CHOP!" - Obito's shinobi trainings kicked in and he Shunshined over to the door.

"Itai! Are you trying to attack me woman!"

"Īe! Gomene I just had to make sure that I didn't break you!"

..."by hitting me in the head.." (Obito deadpans)

"So why do we now understand each other?"

"A temporary jutsu thanks to my Sharingan and our previous attempts at conversations. It'll probably wear off in an hour."

"I see. Well, I'm supposed to take you to my friend Yulia's workplace. So she can get you an antibiotic."


"Perhaps afterwards, we can go to a bookstore for some language books?"

"That would be fine. It would allow me to get to the proper learning tools for your language."

"Yea English and I can try to learn Japanese!"

"Who is the man that helped you bring me in here?"

"That's Mr. Smith, my neighbor. Why?"

"You both have chakra and it feels similar to that Senju woman."

Those words stuck with you the rest of the day. You didn't notice when the jutsu wore off or when you finished the doctors visit. Obito now had medicine to keep the wound healthy and healing. You were a bit on autopilot as you went to the store and grabbed the books that Obito picked out for both of you. Your mind was focusing on what he last said. That you and your neighbor have chakra like Tsunade. What did that mean? Has some other shinobi been brought through to this dimension before? If so, then how? When and where did it start?

What you don't know is that Obito is thinking of the same questions. He is also concerned about this connection he can feel through the manga, it does seem a bit old now that he is thinking about it. But how old? What has caused this in the first place? It doesn't feel like it's connected to Kaguya, thankfully. Turning through the pages that feel the strongest, he reads where the manga tells the tale of Nawaki. Looking at the pages closer, there seems to be some kind of hidden seal. That's when Obito decides to look again with his Mangekyo Sharingan. Now he can see faint traces of Uzumaki chakra and something different, it's not Kaguya but seems to be related? That worries him, but he thinks that once he is completely healthy, he can possibly use the connection to get back and make sure that Naruto and Sasuke has survived. He might need to bring the girl with him though, if he wants to know how she ties into this. Maybe that other man as well.

In the mean time he sits down on the couch with the girl to watch some other show that she turned on; Soul Eater?

"A sound soul, dwells within a sound mind and a sound body."

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