Dear Evan Hansen

38 10 41

I'll be honest.

I am dreading this one.

Before you hate on me, lemme explain XP

I've tried to listen to this musical so many timesss. And every time I either get confused, distracted, or bored by the second song.

But I know it's gotta have a good morale somewhere, so I need you guys to hold me accountable on this one.

Nutshell (kinda cringe warning):

Okay and right into it!


Act One

Anybody Have a Map
Waving Through a Window
For Forever
Sincerely, Me
If I Could Tell Her
You Will Be Found

Act Two

To Break in a Glove
Only Us
Good for You
Words Fail
So Big/So Small

Act Two

Btw: no need to hold me accountable, I listened to it as I added in the videos and I love it now ❤

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