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Draco's Pov

I'm leaning on the wall outside my dorm when I see her walking back.

"Look who couldn't last thirty minutes away from me", I smirked.

She kept her eyes down. I put a finger below her chin and tilted her head up. "Have you gotten it through your head that no one else likes you?" I threw at her.

Her eyes get misty but she blinks it away. She's such a crybaby. I bring my mouth down onto hers and pick her up. "Take off your clothes", I tell her while I rip my shirt off.

Once she does, I go down on her. I slide into her and her nails dig into my back.

I leave bruises down her neck and smile when I see my handprint turning purple on her wrist.

Lex's Pov

I feel more pain then pleasure.

I don't say anything, cause I know how he'll get when I try to get him to slow down. We have safe words, but then he'd be annoyed throughout the day.

He thrust into me, and I fake moan. It seems to be enough for him.

When he's done, he pulls me into his arms and falls asleep.

I love when I'm in his arms, and when he holds my hand after kissing it. I love when he's gentle and caring. I love when we cuddle and go on dates. That soft side hardly comes out though.

Then there's the normal Draco who leaves bruises on my body. Sometimes it's when he's angry, and sometimes it's to show everybody that I'm his. Either way, they always hurt.

Then there's the time he goes into full blown rages and destroys anything in his path. Or the time he accidentally broke my wrist. That was actually a coincidence that I was standing there that time, but nevertheless, he was the one who caused it unintentionally.

There's the pros and cons of dating Draco Malfoy.

But what George says reappears in my head. My mind goes over and over our conversation. Does the cons outweigh the pros? I'm unsure.

The Difference Between Truths And Lies (Previously Love Yourself) Where stories live. Discover now