00. The Tale of Mira LeFay.

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jolly sailor bold
prologue , the tale of mira lefay

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        "UPON ONE SUMMER'S morning, I carefully did stray

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        "UPON ONE SUMMER'S morning, I carefully did stray." A soft melodic voice accompanied the sound of the waves as they crashed against the hull of the ship. "Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay."

         The words that left the woman's lips were as smooth as honey, as she gazed out into the deep mist that pooled around the galleon she'd commandeered nearly a year prior.

"Conversing with a young lass who seemed to be in pain," Her tone bled through the atmosphere around her. "Saying, William, when you go, I fear you'll ne'er return again."

         Her gentle voice cut made all other sounds fade into silence around her; the grinding of metal coming from port side when Zardeenah was sharpening her dagger; the great whooshing sound of sails as Shasta hauled up them up the foremast; the creaking of the helm as Tirian stood behind it, his face contorted in the stoic expression it always beheld as his eyes narrowed trying to navigate the mist; even the clashing of swords from Aravis and her son Corin — as they play fought across the deck — ceased into silence as the woman's voice echoed into the fog.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me but my jolly sailor bold."

That was a skill of Mira Lefay. She could be heard clearly in the loudest noise; and she could be seen like a sunrise in the darkest of nights. She always had been impossible to ignore.

Upon the shores of Narrowhaven, Mira LeFay was otherworldly, a creature unlike any other seen there. Her aura was enchanting — bewitching, some might say.

        She had long icy blonde hair that cascaded down past her shoulders, falling in light waves before settling midway down her back. Her skin was ivory and spotless like a statue of porcelain and her features sharp enough to cut. Then, of course, the natural rosy hue of her rounded lips and her eyes which glistened a peculiar shade of gold; looking into them was as though looking at a slow sunrise creeping upon the horizon, glowing and gleaming.

         And if her looks weren't enough, her demeanour would only enchant you further. She carried herself with grace and ease, her touch was soft and tender with a laugh that rang like a chorus of angels and a smile that could cure a thousand malaises.

         Yes, she was bewitching indeed.

         Yet, many of the Narrowhaven natives had come to fear her. There was a time when they hadn't, it was only as she grew that they did; when the naïve teenager became a beautiful young woman.

         Long gone were the days when young children would approach her with flowers they'd picked or a request for one of her father's tales.

         Rumours grew and soon parents whispered for their children to look away from the girl as they passed her in the market.

         It was thought among villagers of Narrowhaven that Mira LeFay was the daughter of a siren — an enchantress of the sea that lured sailors with her angelic voice and causing ships to wreck before feasting upon their half-mad souls.

         And upon seeing how quickly her so-called friends were to turn on her at the slightest rumour, Mira decided to neither confirm nor deny such rumours. If they wanted to fear her, why should she stop them?

        Fear, after all, was a very powerful thing.

        Mira, herself, knew the rumours to be nothing but drivel. She didn't know much of her mother, but she knew she was no siren. Her father neglected to speak of her, after she passed from an obscure illness years before Mira and her father had even arrived in Narrowhaven.

         Yet she did know one thing that perhaps could have been used in the favour of the villagers' claim. She knew her mother sang, and she sang so angelically that any man would be a fool to tempted to fate by her. The song she would sing would tell as much; the same song that was leaving Mira's lips.

"Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be." Mira's song continued, demanding attention as it swept over each member of her crew. "Who love a jolly sailor bold that plows the raging sea."

It hadn't been hard to turn on them. After all, they'd turned on her first. When her father had been captured and sacrificed to the green mist, not one of them batted an eyelid. There was no one to console her, no one to care and it was then that Mira realised that wasn't how the world worked. The world was cold and fearful, and she knew that if she wanted so much as a chance of saving her father, she would have to seize such qualities that the world offered and bend them to her own will.

Mira LeFay became cold, and she invoked fear wherever she set foot. She did what it took to survive, and whatever it took to bring her one step closer to saving her father. Whatever it took.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold." Mira LeFay sang, as the mist began to clear and the harbour of Narrowhaven slowly appeared in the distance.

A small smirk settled upon her features at such a sight. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as the thought of the impending havoc they would wreak crossed her mind.

"There is nothing can console me but my jolly sailor bold."

𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘!
eek welcome to the
first instalment of
this book! i have
to apologise for it
taking so long to
see the light of day,
but hahah uni life.
please let me know
your thoughts, i am
super excited for
this story to really
get up and running
and hope you are too!



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