Ascending the very staircase Lara Jean had come down from, Stormy led Carly to her room. Many potential outfits were scattered across the room, dresses and jewellery thrown and forgotten. Stormy led the brunette in front her full length mirror. Carly watched in confusion through the reflection as Stormy disappeared behind the divider. When she returned, the brunette released a gasp. In Stormy's hands, she held a gown. It was similar than Lara Jean's but beautiful. It was long, reaching her toes, spaghetti straps, a beautiful silk material for the gown and a lace top, and most importantly. it was pink. Her favourite colour. It was a beautiful ballerina pink.

"You are gorgeous too." Stormy handed the Roth girl the dress along with an encouraging look. Hesitantly, Carly took the dress, adoring the feeling of the material against her skin. Stormy nodded her head and excitedly, Carly changed. Stormy gasped at the sight of her, bringing her hands to her mouth. She urged for the brunette to sit at her vanity.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you didn't like me." Carly wondered.

Stormy chuckled. "What on Earth gave me you that idea?"

"You haven't spoken to me at all since my Grandmother arrived here." Stormy laughed again.

"Do you remember the day we met?" She asked. Carly nodded her curly, brunette locks. "You refused to speak to anyone other than your grandmother. You never left her side. You never made an effort to speak to anyone no matter how many times you visited, it was always about your grandmother."

Carly looked down in shame. She thought about that day and every other day before that. That was her problem; she never made an effort. It was the same reason she almost lost Maisie, why she's barely had in friends in all seventeen years of her life. "I've never been good at talking with people. People usually think I'm strange because of my interests or opinions and I guess it was always easier to not talk at all than argue with everyone."

"Except from John Ambrose." Stormy pointed out. Carly laughed, shaking her head.

"I guess I argued with him because I wanted to." The smile on her face displayed every emotion she was feeling. None of which was anger. She knew she had forgiven him weeks ago.

Stormy moved away from, her reflection in full view. She was stunning. The elderly lady held a hand out the young girl. The brunette accepted. Stormy led her down the stairs. She descended in the same fashion as the girl before her. She walked into the ballroom, many elders' eyes sparkling with adoration at the sight of her.

"You look beautiful, darling." Bernadette shuffled towards her granddaughter, bringing her into a tight hug. "You look just like I did at the premiere of funny girl" Carly rolled her eyes and chuckled at another one of her grandmother's stories.

The Roth girl pulled away and looked into the ballroom. She felt her heart shatter at the sight. Lara Jean Covey wrapped in the arms of John Ambrose as they swayed back and forth, living out the brunette's fantasy. Carly sighed. Pulling away, from the crowd she walked out of the room. With no where to go, she pushed open the glass doors and into the cold March air.

Snow fell slowly from the dark sky. Clary hugged herself, rubbing away her goosebumps as best she could. She enjoyed the snow. It stuck to her brown locks making her look like a beautiful ice princess.

"Carly." Her body tensed and it wasn't at fault of the weather.

"I really don't want to talk, Ambrose." She told him, keeping her back to him, not wanting him to witness the tears filling her eyes.

"But we need to."

"Why?" She asked with a dry chuckle.

"Because I'm in love with you."

Her body froze. She whipped her body around to face him. "Are you kidding me?"

"I love you, Carly." He said again looking deep into her eyes. Every part of him telling her that he was 100% serious.

"How are you so sure? Because a couple of weeks ago, you were pretty sure you didn't." Anger that she had let go off had made it's way back inside her.

"Because I hate Encino man." He laughed. "But I will watch it a thousand time just to see you laugh. Because you don't think like everyone else and you always surprise me. Because I love arguing with you. I love seeing the passion in your eyes and the way you talk faster when you're angry and when you finish yelling, you will bite a white chocolate chip cookie and say "in conclusion, I'm always right". I love every thing about you." The brunette's mouth gaped as the tears threatened to fall.

"But Valentine'"

"Maybe pushing you away wasn't for your benefit but for mine." He confessed. "Lara Jean was all I ever wanted for six years and I thought I finally got my chance. And then messed everything up and it scared me. I will forever be sorry for what I did but Carly I can say with absolute certainty that I am in love with you."

"I...I can't believe this." She brought her hands to her head trying to process the words she was hearing.

John Ambrose stepped forward, leaving a dress shoe shaped footprint in the snow. "Do you forgive me?"

Carly touched his arms which automatically wrapped around her waist.  The action was foreign to her but she felt comfortable. "I do, I have but..."

"but what?" he asked. Carly paused. but what? There wasn't a particular answer. She searched her brain for a reason to say no but perhaps, maybe, there was nothing.

"I love you too" She declared. A smile grew on John Ambrose face. The Roth girl sighed in relief at the words that left her mouth, before whispering another confession."and that terrifies me."

"I'm not letting you go ever again." He promised, tightening his hold on her. That fateful night is something that he would have to live with for the rest of his life. The mistake he had made in utter cowardice."Do you trust me?"

Carly looked deep into his eyes. She searched them for any doubt, any reason to be scared. She couldn't find anything. She relaxed in his arms and whispered. "Yes."

The beautiful smile that she had fallen in love with had grown on his face once more. His eyes as for permission in which she nodded. He pressed his lips against hers. It was sweet, perfect. It terrified her but she was utterly in love with John Ambrose McClaren. They're love story wasn't as perfect as Romeo and Juliet or Gracie and William but it was theirs. Their own messy, complicated, perfect, epic love story.

so, yeah. the end! this story is an utter mess and i already want to rewrite and edit this which will be probably come a lot later. i had thought about continuing for a few chapters but i honestly don't know what else i could do despite everyone's wonderful suggestions. this is the first story i have ever finished and that means a lot to me. this story had gone downhill since it's beginning but it still holds such a big place in my heart. i will be publishing an epilogue some time later and hopefully some bonus chapters occasionally but until then this is it for this story. thank you to everyone who has read/voted/commented on this story it means so much. i hope you would check out some of my other works and follow me for notice on future works. thank you again, goodbye!

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