i . take a break

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WARNINGS:: mentions of pregnancy

you and dan have been married for two years now. he wasn't expecting to fall for you, still working for the government was his main priority, but you looked so beautiful at that bar. he knew he had to talk to you. he warned you how dedicated he was to his work, and you told him the same, saying that sometimes you didn't take enough time to care for others, and he agreed.

you dated for five years before he popped the question, and you got married almost instantly. now, you've been given a top position at your job and everything seemed perfect until quarantine hit.

you never really spoke to one another, you sat on your laptops and worked in silence. your dog tried to pester either of you for walks or attention, but you had to push them away.

tonight you were cooking dinner for your husband. he sat at the table, typing away on his laptop. the roast chicken was in the oven with the potatoes and carrots. you decided you wanted to be brave and ask him a question you've been dying to get the answer for.

"honey?" you ask.

dan hums in response, not looking up from his laptop. you sigh. "can you take a break for a few? please?"

a whine can be heard in your voice. your husband looks up as you give him your best puppy dog eyes. a small smile crosses his face and he closes his laptop. he gets up and walks over to you, towering like the giant he basically is. he cups your face and kisses you.

"dan..." you whisper, lips still against his.

"mhm... yes?" he asks, pulling away to look over your features.

you sigh and look down at the floor. "since we have time now, i was thinking... could–could we have a baby?"

you look up at your husband. his face still, before he smiles the biggest smile you've ever seen on him as he nods, picking you up. "turn off the oven... let's go now."

in his arms, he walks you over to the stove. you turn it off and he carries you to your bedroom.

ADAM DRIVER CHARACTER IMAGINESOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz