going out with the damelios

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We were still at the hype when mam and dad said that we should go and get me clothes but I wanted to go with Charli so I asked is Charli if she could take me and she said it was up to my mam and dad so I went to ask them and pulled Charli with me
Me:can Charli pleas take me pretty please
Dad:well if it ok with Charli then yeah
Mam:we will send money to Charli and you can go but pleas be careful
Charli:ok I will go tell my mam and dad
Charli goes to find her mam a dad Charli pov
Me:mam can I take delah to get her so clothes pleas
Mam:yes but only if Dixie goes
Me:thank you so much
Dixie pov
I was sitting on the couch on my phone when Charli ran up to me
Charli:can you pleas come with
Me : sure I was bored anywhere
Charli:ok let's go
Me:ok ok I'm coming
No ones pov
We all got in the car and Dixie started driving untill we got there and went to lots of different shop and went to get food

So next couple of chapter are gonna be the clothes

Bye gyes

adopted by jaden hosslerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang