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I got-to diagonally by flu powder then I went and got money out of my bank I got a couple thousand about 3 cause stuff was expensive here  I then walked around I seen some red heads and I new it was Fred and George the only friend's I have i know that there little brother I think his name is Ron I joining the school so he was here to get supply for his first year I went up to them a scared them
F-G:MILLIE you scared the hell out of us
They both hugged me then miss weakly came up to me and said
MrsW:hi Millie how have you been
M: fine thanks I was just shopping for new supply
MrsW:well you can come shopping with us
M:I will thank you
So we were going in and out of shops until we came to a shop that were we need to buy our robes
M:I just need to get a good size can we go in there
MrsW: yes we can
So we went in and I went to see what sizes they had I went to pay and noticed that the Weasley were just standing there looking around
So before I paid I went Over
M: hey why aren't you looking at sizes
MrsW : we don't have the kind of money for new robes
I felt so bad and since I had load and I had no one to share it with I decided to buy them robes so I said
M:well I will buy them for you
MrsW: no I can't possibly ask you to do that
M: I'm not asking I'm buy them what ever you say
We finished shopping and I bought them some new books it came up to £1.270 as well but that was fine because  weasly  are like family 
We walked past this really nice restaurant and I asked them if they wanted to going in and they didn't agree so I had to drag them in buy this time we had met Harryand hermione   Ron had became good friend's when we all went in was really nice inside
Skip time
We had all finished I didn't really eat that much I only ate three chips and I paid the total came up to £545 I then left a £100 tip the food was really nice we had all left the restaurant and I was really sad because I had to go home and my house was two big for just me so I asked if Harry hermioni and the weasly family wanted to come to the mannor then when we were about to go we bumped into mister Malfoy he had a coffee in his hand and was finished he was just holding the cup and he was with his son I think so I got money out and put it in the cup and said
M:I think you need it
They we walked away and went to the mannor
That is the end of this chapter sorry it is so long

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