I remembered Hasnain telling me this thing. Ya i felt happy, i felt at peace a different type.


I thought back at our convo we had in terrace.


Hasnain: Faisal listen...
Faisal: Do you like her??
I sucked in a sharp breath again, expecting the answer to be in negative.

I looked arund not willing to lo look at him, plenty of emotions ran through me, embarrassed to ask somethng like that, but jealous and angry as well.

I Dont Know.
i heard him giggling, I looked at him raising my eyebrows and somewhat annoyed. I got my answer And I felt relieved.

Hasnain: shall i show you, your face its worth watching, seeing you impatient.

Though i am sure of his answer but i wanted to hear him tell no. I know i am being impatient.

Hasnain:Dont worry, i dont like her, not that way obviously. she was always been my younger sister, like Riyaz.

i just nodded.

Hasnain: by the way, why did you feel impatient? lets put this line in correct way, why did you feel jealous?

I immediatly looked at him like how did he tell it correctly.

Faisal: N..No i am not feeling jea..jealous

I stammered.

Hasnain: you can lie to everyone. You can lie to yourself as well but you cant lie to me.

He is right, he clearly identifies my lies.

Hasnain: now tell me, you were jeaouse right?

i sighed and nodded my head.

Hasnain: whyljsf

Faisal: Thats the thing i dont know, i dont know why i feel jealous, though i irritate her, i prank on her. but when i see her with someone else i feel a pang of jealousy.

He smiled and asked

Hasnain: you feel jealouse of Riyaz as well right, that he is always with her

Ya i felt but should i tell that to him, Riyaz is his brother.

Hasnain: dont worry tell me, i know you feel jealous of my brother.

He said with a small chuckle, to whuch i nodded my head slowly.

Faisal: how do you know?
he was silent for few seconds

Hasnain: for your kind info, i am your best buddy, more like your brother.

Hasnain: did you get answer, why you feel jealous, angry and all?

I nodded my head as no.

Hasnain: You know, when you feel jealous of someone, you get another emotion too, you will heel happy and peace wash over you when you are near. And. As much as i want to tell you this. but i want you to realize this on your own. if i tell you for sure would not believe.

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