Casts and Prologue (edited)

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He has a lovely Family. He is a CEO of a successful textile industry named REHMANI TEXTILES. He was always dedicated to his work which made him reach this position what he is today. He is very religious person and wants her kids to be the same and they are. He is a loving, caring but strict husband and father of two kids.


Though her husband is the head of the business world but at home She is the head of the family. More than father kids fear their mother. She is very religious and is thankful to the almighty for everything she has in her life.


The elder daughter of Zuabir and Safina, who is currently in her class 9 and is a topper of her class. She is very much passionate about her goals. She always wants to be a teacher. Her brown eyes can kill any guy for it. She has two best friends Anushka Sen and Riyaz Ali. She is a sweet, caring, lovely, kind and all the adjectives you would find in a dictionary to all her loved ones except for Faisal Sheikh her cousin. She hates all those things which he loves. She is short in her hight which has made him to name her minimi or short devil. Which is exclusively for him to call her. No one else calls her with these names except him. She is a brave and outspoken girl and she is proud of this character of hers. She loves dancing but don't dance in front of anyone. She dances when she is in a good mood.


Younger child of Zubair and Safina. Currently in 5th std. As a younger child he the most pampered one. Loves and adores his parents and sister.


He is a hard working, head, and the most funny person in the family. He has gone through the tough days in his life because of which, he is here as a CEO of SHEIKH'S HOTEL. His hotels are spreaded all over the world. He is a very big supporter of his family. He is funny, happy go lucky person, and flirty only to his wife. He loves his wife and two kids beyond the limits and can do anything for them.


Wife of Murad and mother of two. She was a teacher before her first kid was born but left her occupation because she wanted to be with her kid's childhood she don't want to miss any of her kids phases be it a first time her kids talk or first time they sit, walk etc. She loves and supports her husband and kids a lot. She is the elder sister of Sumaiya Zubair Rehmani.


Elder son of Safina and Murad. He is currently in his 11th std in the same school as of Jannat and Ayaan. He is a handsome, talented, easy going, honest guy. His pitch black can make the girls hipnotised. He is kind to everyone. He loves irritating her sometimes calling her with the funny names, sometime pulling her hairs etc. He is a tall guy which made Jannat name him as Khamba(pole) or giant devil. His best friends are Hasnain Khan and Faiz Baloch. They are best trios of the school. Faisal sings very nicely because of which he loves singing and he sings when he is in good mood. He is kind of possessive to those people whom he loves and Jannat is one among them unknown to himself.


2nd child of Murad and Safeena. Bubbly, chubby and most loved one in their family and is spoilt one too because of everyone's love. She is in her class 10. She loves Faiz Baloch, her brother's best friend. She loves her brother the most and annoys him too.


1st best friend of Jannat, from the childhood days because he stays just next to Jannat's house. He studies in same school. Jannat's family like him and trust enough for making a boy befriending their daughter. Jannat shares everything to him because he is an understanding guy. He loves sports unlike his bff who runs away from sports.


2nd best friend of Jannat, they met eachother when she joint the same school as of Jannat in class 3. She loves sports and is good sport player and participates in every sport events.


Best friend of Faisal and Faiz and is an elder brother of Riyaz Aly. Studies in same school as of Faisal. His life rotates around his family and friends. He is very understanding and a mature one in the best trios. He loves his cousin Naira Akhtar but don't want to realise this. And loves playing guitar.


The 2nd best friend of Faisal and is the most funny and the childish guy of best trios. He loves his best friend's sister Shifa Sheikh and are in relationship from past 1 year with the full permission from his friend(Faisal). He loves playing key boards. All three loves sports and always the lead group in the sport events.


Cousin of Hasnain. Loves him from the bottom of her heart and is also aware of Hasnain's love for her. She also knows that he has not yet realized this. She is very mischievous girl and studies in same school as of everyone and is in class 10.


She walked out of the classroom fed up with the things happening around her, eyes puffey, nose runny coz of tears and lips moving probably scolding him for everything she is going through.

She walked more faster as she hears her name being called by him. She wanted to run away from her though she was never like this, she was not from those people who run away from their problems but situations changes people.

She was stopped by the strong hold on her upper arm from him.

“Jannat listen... what happened tell me why did you walk out like that”. She didn't face him because she didn't want to show him how weak she is. How weak he has made her. How weak her LOVE for him has made her.

“Jannat look at me” He forcefully made her look him. He gasped seeing her puffy eyes with tears.

“Jannat what happened tell me”. This enraged Jannat and she bursted. “ happened to me. Its all frustrating. Its irritating to see you with her or any other girl.” she looked down breathing heavily. “why?” she heard him say in his soft voice “Because I LOVE YOU DAMN IT. I LOVE YOU. I DON'T KNOW WHEN HOW ALL THESE HAPPENED BUT IT HAS HAPPENED. Now that you got to know, make fun of me with this also. Or you want to get angry and wanna tell the elders do that as well became I am not scared.” she bursted. She looked away from him and took deep breath and realized the grave mistake she has made and her eyes widened up and head snapped at him only to see the hurt yet soft look on his face. She was jerked back with the force he hugged her.
She was still in daze from the shock of being hugged by him before she could come out of the shock, she got yet another shock a big one and she was rooted in the same place


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Allah Hafiz

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