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3rd person POV

the morning arrived with Faisal sitting on the chair of their garden with a steaming cup of coffee.

he was lost in his thoughts and was brought back to the word with a soft touch of hand caressing his hair. He looked at it and it was his mom.

Safina:  What are you doing?

Faisal: nothing woke soon so came here with a coffee.

Safina: no coffee for me?

Faisal: obviously i will make.

they both walked inside and directly went to the kitchen. Safina sat on the chair in the kitchen whereas Faisal started making coffee.

Safina: your wife will be so luck, she gets a good coffee maker.


the ears and cheeks turned red due to blushing...

his mom laughed looking at that.

as the clock struck 7

Faisal: maa i m going, need to get ready.

Safina: haan haan you need to look good in front of her, i  know i know.

Faisal: mammaaaa matlab kuch bhi haan.

she laughed heartily

He ran from there to his room.

He walked to the washroom to a long bath, got out with only his uniform pants with bare chest.

to a guy of school student he had an good looking physique.

he walked to the mirror made his hair setting it well.

Then he worn his shirt and looked at the time it was 7:36

he walked down carrying his bag.

Safina: ye le, tera breakfast.

she gave him and called Shifa telling its time.

both Shifa and their dad came for the breakfast and in no time their friends Faiz, Hasnain and Ayaan came barging into their house calling for Faisal.


Faiz, Hasnain and Ayaan barged inside house. 

yaa my friends.

i rolled my eyes.

i looked at the other face


teased my mind.


where is she...

absent today?

I wanna see her.

and suddenly the door opened and she entered.

she looked beautiful.

i snapped my  head towards my left as soon as my eyes met HERS.

suddenly i heard coughs actually fake cough.

Safina: Jannat how is your leg now?

Jannat: Assalamu alaikum aunty, i am absolutely fine now see i can run now.

she ran and showed them making others laugh at her and i looked at her, she is cute

Isn't she?

Shifa: bhaiya, if u have finished you breakfast shall we leave...?

I looked at them, who had a teasing smile.

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