chapter. 1

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I wake up in Malfoy manor to the light shining through the gap in the curtains. I yawn as I stretchy arms up. I sit up in the the bed a few moments, and then I decide to get up. I put my feet on the cold wood floor and walk to the desk, where my green silk robe is hanging. I pull my robe over my black slip dress and pull on some black slippers.

I slowly open the door into the hallway. It's actually quite cold today. I follow the carpeted floor to the grand staircase. While walking down the stairs my nose fills with the scent of pancakes and pastries. I see Narcissa helping the servants out the food onto the huge table.

"Good morning, my darling!", Narcissa exclaims with a smile, as she sees me.
She walks up to me and gives me a big hug.
"Good morning to you too!", I answer with a big smile.

We continue talking for a little bit, and she tells me my father and Lucius have already left to go in to the city. My father always seems to be with Lucius, well when he is not teaching at Hogwarts.

"Would you mind waking Draco?", Narcissa asks.
"I wouldn't mind at all!", I say with a smile on my face.

I walk up to his room and knock at his door. I takes a few seconds before he yells:
"Come in!"

I open the door, Draco is sitting on his bed. He looks a little sweaty and he is breathing a little heavy. It takes a few seconds before I understand.

"Ew! Why did you say I could come in, when you are clearly busy ", I exclaim.
His smirks at me. I shake the thought from my head in disgust. He is like a brother to me.
"Breakfast is ready by the way", I say before exiting the room.

I walk down to the dining room and sit down at the the table. After a minute or two Draco comes down the stairs. He sits down at the other side of the table. Narcissa sits down besides me. We start eating the delicious food. We talk about the new school year at Hogwarts. We start school again in three days. Draco says he is exited for potions class, I am not so excited because my father is the professor. Professor Snape.

I spend the day reading, talking to Narcissa and talking to Draco. It was my last day at the manor before school. I had been there pretty much all summer.

"Goodbye, have a wonderful school year!", Narcissa let's out while hugging me tightly.
"Mum, that's enough! You're gonna squish her",  Draco looks annoyed.
"I am going to miss you", she looks at me, she looks a bit sad. I am the daughter she never got.
"I am going to miss you too!", I answer, wile giving her a soft smile.
We wave as we walk down the gravel road.

I will miss being there with Narcissa and Draco.

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