Two - Coming Home

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Taehyung ranged the bell, hoping they were up. He did call his mother to let her know of his arrival. The door instantly opened.

"TAE!" his mom yelled in excitement, her emotions flowing through her eyes, he hugged her tightly.

"I missed you" he mumbled softly into her arms.

She was very beautiful and the prettiest woman, like a model. Well, she is a model, or she was. She'd stopped working when she married his dad. Marrying into Jeon household meant lots of responsibilities, lots. And despite loving her career as much as she loved herself, she left it all for his father.

"Me too, honey! My god! You are finally here!" she said, her voice almost cracking. She was trying not to cry as he soothingly rubbed her back.

"Ah! Our handsome son is here." his dad called out, with a light tone and a small laugh. Taehyung moved away from his mother and pounced on him. He laughed at his son's childishness, hugging him just as playfully. The moment felt so happy, him being reunited with his family.

"Not that I am complaining, but why are you early and why the hell did you not inform us?" his mom glared at him and Taehyung sheepishly gave her a smile.

"My flight got canceled, due to some problem, so there was a ticket for today or after a week, and I couldn't wait any longer" he grinned "And... well everything happened quite fast and I wanted to surprise, but I did call you when I reached Korea."

"Huh! When you called, Jungkook was on his morning exercise and jogging. After he went only you called. I could have sent him to pick you but he never takes his phone with him during his fitness time. I felt so bad that you had to come on your own-"

"Omma! It's okay,  no problem. And wow! Since when did that happen? Where is he now?"

"He's quite changed since you left." She replied in an almost painful voice, which made his heart break. 

"He's bathing right now, he came about 10 minutes before you and went straight to the bathroom." she looked at him and smiled.

"You hungry, son?"

"Very! I missed your cooking."

"You're still a kid, eh?" she winked "I will be laying breakfast in 15 minutes, you can go up to Jungkook's room if you want." Taehyung wasn't sure if that was a good idea. 

His mom sensed it and said "He's not happy at your arrival." he sighed again. 

This was gonna be hard.

He made his way towards Jungkook's room. Nothing changed at all in this house. Everything is the same as before, just furnished a bit. 

The door was open, and Taehyung took a deep breath and went inside, taking in the room that had changed completely. The room reeked of unfamiliarity, of change, something he wasn't sure about. 

The kid he knew had posters of superheroes and stickers collected all over his room, not a bright, colorful room but at least it felt alive. Now it was all in the combination of black and white. No pictures, nothing, but everything very organized. He really had changed a lot. Though his bed was pretty. It looked soft and bouncy. Taehyung peeked around the room and jumped on the bed, delighted.

"Still a kid, I suppose." a deep voice startled him as he fell to the floor.

"Wh-wha..." he looked up to see the most gorgeous man on earth. Those wet hair locks so dark, just like his eyes that screamed dominance. The pale skin in contrast to his bulky body, collarbones and those well-defined abs... 

Taehyung licked his lips unconsciously, staring more than necessary. Shit, is he sculpted by Greek gods?

"Stop staring" he said, like it's casual. Taehyung felt a spark of jealousy for even thinking how many must have seen him like this or touched him... Damnit.

"I - I was not!"

"Sure, hyung."

"J-Jungkook?" he shuttered. The elder was still in shock to see that his cute and mischievous brother had  turned into a devil incarnate and looked so dominant in his stance.

The younger smirked. "Surprised?"

"Very..." he replied shyly.

Jungkook chuckled. After putting on his pants and a T-Shirt, he motioned Taehyung to sit. 

"So...morning jog? Exercise? Early riser?"

"Haha, with time I suppose" he winked, Taehyung's heart fluttered. Oh no, not again. 

"But you are just like before, so thin like a girl!" he laughed. 

The older of the two gave him an irritated look. "Shut up! I am a man!" 

But that only doubled his laughter.  "Man...?? Whoa hyung, you look small, girlish even." 

Taehyung's glare intensified, he knew Jungkook was exaggerating to try and get under his skin, but for some reason, it was hard to shrug it off.

"I am 21. You are just 19!"

"And look who's acting like a child." the younger replied, taunting. Well, he's got a point there, Taehyung grudgingly admitted to himself.

"You brat...and yet I missed you" he whispered. Jungkook looked like he wasn't expecting this.


"A lot."


Him not saying it in return kinda  hurt but Taehyung knew he was the one who hurt him first, although unintentionally. So, that was okay. He just wanted Jungkook to be fine around him. Though it was getting hard for the returned man to be around his old infatuation.

"Come and eat, kids" Their mom's voice came from the hall.

"Let's go." 

Taehyung watched the younger leave the room, wishing he would treat him the way he used to. He sighed and followed his brother out the door for a dinner with ravishing smells.

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